An Empowered Spirit Blog Post

Why Setting Intentions Should Be Important To You

By Cathy Chester on February 10, 2016

Every week before we begin our first set of stretches my yoga instructor asks the class to set our intentions. Set our intentions? What the hell did that mean? When I began taking yoga I had no idea what it meant. I'd look at my classmates as if they'd provide the answers I was looking for, but nothing. Set my intentions. Hmm.


I would bow my head toward my heart while sitting in the lotus position, my hands resting on my thighs, palms facing up with each thumb and index finger gently touching each another. Then I scrambled to think about my intentions. Set my intentions. Set my intentions. What should they be? I finally thought I'd ask for better balance and the ability to stretch my muscles without writhing around in pain like an idiot. Was that what she meant?

Not completely.

“You are what your deepest desire is. As your desire is, so is your intention. As your intention is, so is your will. As your will is, so is your deed. As your deed is, so is your destiny.” ~Deepak Chopra

I must have been living under a rock to misunderstand what setting my intentions meant. Our lives are built on intentions. Think about it. We all want to achieve certain goals in our lives that are either short or long term. Our intentions guide us toward achieving those goals.

Money. Relationships. Health. Happiness. Philanthropy. Spirituality. Dreams. Love.

These goals are reminders of what we need to do. Whether we write them down, say them to ourselves or share them with others setting our intentions can change our life.

“Our intention creates our reality.” ~Wayne Dyer

Ever since that first yoga class I’ve read and thought a lot about setting intentions. The concept fascinates me. At the same time I started yoga the book The Secret exploded onto the American scene, thanks to getting the gold seal of approval by Oprah Winfrey.

Based on the law of attraction, The Secret claims that positive thinking can produce life-changing results to create happiness, wealth and riches. People were relying on that to solve all of their problems. I was skeptical about it from the start. I felt it gave false hope to people who needed to rely on more conventional help. Putting their eggs all in one basket could be a dangerous and unhealthy move.

“The mind is everything. What you think you become.” ~Buddha

The difference betweenThe Secret and setting our intentions is that the latter doesn’t claim to completely change our life or make promises it can’t keep. It simply sets impulses into our consciousness, and then releases them to grow and flourish to help shape our desires.

Do you want to buy a birthday card for a loved one? Dip your toes in the sand? Make a date with a friend? Plan a vacation on an island? It all begins with intention.

“The inspiration you seek is already within you. Be silent and listen.” ~Rumi

If you were a mind reader you might say I’ve become an intention-setting addict. I believe in it. Plus I like things neat and orderly. If I have clarity about what I want and can place those thoughts into the universe I feel freer to think about other things. I set my intentions weekly and hope that somehow, in same small or large way, the universe will take care of the rest.

“Every journey begins with the first step of articulating the intention, and then becoming the intention.” ~Bryant McGill, Voice of Reason

Does that sound ridiculous to you? It does to some people. But many others believe that setting their intentions is a powerful way of harnessing what they desire.

"Live less out of habit and more out of intent." ~Author Unknown

Setting my intentions during yoga class is something I look forward to. I use those few moments wisely, never squandering them on idle thoughts. I try to remain focused, chase the inner chatter out of my head and concentrate on what matters most. I put out to the universe that I want better balance, stretched muscles, and a day of loving kindness and peace. And perhaps a little time to share a cup of coffee with a friend or dip my toes in the sand.

That would be wonderful. Namaste.



Cathy Chester


  1. I love this Cathy - I think it ties in with the whole idea of finding time for what is important and what you give priority to. I think we are at a stage of life where we appreciate the value of things more and know what to focus our intentions towards - I'm going to be thinking about mine more in the week ahead.

  2. I like setting intentions in yoga class too, but as it did for you, it took me a little while to embrace it. Now I look forward to it -- it gives you that quiet moment to think about self improvement and goals. Thanks for this great reminder.

  3. Setting intentions, being in the moment, clearing your mind -- all good lessons learned from yoga. Plus getting more flexibility and tone. Yoga really is fantastic. Your post has inspired me to get out my yoga mat, Cathy!

  4. This is beautiful. I've never really thought about setting my intentions, but it really does lead me to my goals. I create my own realities. Thanks for this.

  5. Ho Cathy,

    I really enjoyed this article and found it inspiring. I never really thought about it but you're right. Everything does start with intention. I guess now I'm going to reevaluate my goals and set intentions instead.

    Tha ks for sharing this!

  6. Whether we are conscious of it or not, we do set our intentions in all that we do (or don't do). I felt calm just reading your post! It is a lifelong goal for me to become more conscious in my intentions. Someday I will even take a yoga class!

  7. I don't do yoga but, I believe in setting our intentions. I've followed Wayne Dyer and I've read the Secret. I found the most 'common sense' approach to setting intentions and seeing results came from Pam Grout in her book, E-Squared. She gives you simple examples of how it works and when you try them they really do. It's not always easy to stick with it until your desired result occurs because life often gets in the way, but I can honestly say it helped me get where I am at the beach.

  8. I love this, Cathy. I've never thought about it quite this way. Certainly I've set goals, but I don't think I've set intentions. Thank you for framing it this way. xo

  9. I love this: “The inspiration you seek is already within you. Be silent and listen.” ~Rumi

    I'm really bad about intentionally setting my intentions. I kinda sorta know what I want to do then just wing it. This is a great reminder to be more focused and intentional. Thank you, my friend!

  10. I find yoga balances everything - body, heart and soul. Intentions are important. And you need the opportunity to check in with yourself.

  11. Great post Cathy. As a yoga instructor, I take a few quiet moments by myself before class to set my intention of teaching and supporting students in a way that brings love, healing ,openness and ease to their body, It truly helps me center myself and be wholly present throughout the class. Taking time to set intentions creates a clearer and more purposeful life.

  12. Thanks, Cathy! I really enjoyed reading this. Setting intentions is a new concept to me, but it makes so much sense. I intend to try it out in several areas of my life.

  13. The Secret changed a lot about the way I process my intentions and I don't expect the unrealistic from them either. This is a great lesson for us all. I really love your last paragraph. It means everything!

  14. That first quote is really incredible. I never intentionally thought of intentions 🙂 Seriously, that whole positive thinking ideal is a failure for some. Like you say. I prefer the notion better, of setting our intentions to do, be, see, hear. So much more realistic and grounded for me, and hey, if I fail, then I dust myself off and try again with new intentions. This got me thinking, Cathy, awesome post (as usual)!

  15. On my drive to work, I ride in silence and I keep it a prayerful time. This week I consciously used the word intension in that quiet time. This post has stayed with me all week. Thanks.

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