An Empowered Spirit Blog Post

How My Birthday Taught Me More Reasons To Be Grateful

By Cathy Chester on February 9, 2013

Events of the past two days gave me pause to ponder all the blessings in my life. In a world filled with tragedy, violence, and sadness, I think it's crucial, now more than ever, to step back and think of everything we are grateful for.  It's a powerful and essential exercise.  Take a few minutes and think about what makes you grateful.  What helps you feel joyful, blessed, and ready to tackle each day?  Here's what I'm grateful for as I begin living and loving the following year of my life:

The Chesters

The Chesters

My family keeps me happy and grounded.  They provide unconditional love and support for me in living my passion.  We hold each other up through every joy and sorrow.  I can't imagine what my life would have been like without them.

My loving parents

Friends for 50+ years

Friends for 50+ years


Friends for 50+ years

My friends from childhood.  From playing kick-the-can and surviving a roster of boyfriends, menopause, and living miles apart, we are strong, vibrant women facing life together. (Let me add we are all kicking ass, too!) I am grateful for them and for all the friends I have, both near and far.  They each empower me.








I am grateful for the day my 9-year-old son insisted we get a cat.  I never had a pet, so I was pretty hesitant.  Eleven years later, I can't imagine my life without them.  At the end of a gritty, horrible day, those furry creatures give you instant love and lift you.

My birthday blizzard!

My birthday blizzard!


My birthday blizzard!

I am grateful we didn't lose our electricity during my birthday blizzard like we did during Hurricane Sandy.

I am grateful for my books and love of reading.

I am grateful for my crazy CD collection of old sitcoms that help me relax and  "de-stress" while taking a break from reading. My eyes need a rest!

John Lennon Glasses were groovy

John Lennon glasses were groovy

I am grateful for the invention of contact lenses.

I am grateful for more than 5 hours of sleep a night.  What does that feel like?  Thanks, menopause...

My peonies

My peonies

I am grateful for the beauty around me during the changing seasons.

I am incredibly grateful to my blog, An Empowered Spirit, and the path it has led me down toward new horizons, new friendships, and the wonderful audience - YOU - in my Second Chapter.  Thank you all for being a part of why I am grateful.


Cathy Chester


  1. Cathy, how lovely that you have taken the time on the day after your bday to express gratitude - you are an inspiration to me to do the same, today and going forward. The GenFab dinner you organized was just about perfect in every way. I wholeheartedly agree that adding friends to your life is a blessing...a wonderful benefit of being part of the blogging world.

  2. Cathy, I loved reading your gratitude journal and seeing the kind, smiling faces of those members of your all-star supporting cast. In my darkest moments, I too, count my blessings as a reminder of how much I have to be grateful for even in the middle of personal trials, especially during setbacks. Gratitude is an attitude! Pat

  3. I love your list, Cathy! It is good to stop and think about the blessings in our lives. I am grateful for meeting you, my new friend. With your sunny disposition, no wonder you have so many friends.

  4. It's always nice to take 'inventory' of our blessings. I used to keep a daily gratitude journal, where I'd jot down a list every morning of all the things I was grateful for--it kept me grounded.

    Thank you sharing and a belated happy birthday.

  5. Sounds like you have a LOVELY life and had a wonderful birthday! I followed you over from Bloppy Bloggers and am glad I did. I can't wait to check out your book - I am currently writing a Romance novel called "The Boys I Left in Paris" so we have that little tidbit in common! Happy Saturday!

  6. Self-reflection is so important. You've written a wonderful reminder of all the blessings we enjoy, but sometimes almost take for granted!

  7. It was actually - I'm not kidding - relaxing to read about your peaceful, attuned living style. It sounds like you have discovered how little you really need to feel the happiest and I can relate. Also, I love what you named your cats. Also, I'm about to start Paris Wife. Also, you're the only person I know who is still friends with that many people from childhood. Uplifting, thank you. I'll be back.

  8. What beautiful lessons. Thank you for sharing them. I love the way you call this the Second Chapter. I'm 43. While I'm not in the after-50 club yet, it's entirely possible I'm in my second chapter already. Changing body aside, the contentedness and confidence that comes with age is worth it.

    I hope you have a lovely weekend and enjoy every minute of the year to come.

  9. What a wonderful post (and I esp. liked the GenFab part too.:))! I think I need to do this type of reflecting on my birthdays as well. Rather than dreading "getting older," it's so much healthier to have your outlook. Thank you for sharing this.

  10. Thanks for giving us such a warm insight into your gratitude. Happy Birthday and may all the gratitude continue to overflow in your life.

  11. Hi Cathy, I just found your uplifting and inspiring blog in a round about way through some very amazing synchronistic searches. Your blog radiates love, empowerment and the healing beauty of being grateful for what we have in life right now. The perspective that we each have so much to give and share is a motto and belief that transcends the challenges in life no matter how small or large. One person Can Truly change the world and make a difference. Thank you for brightening my world and lifting me up with your words and sharing your life. Love, light and abundance of joy, Lil

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