An Empowered Spirit Blog Post

How TV And Movies Have Added Extra Fun And Laughter To My Marriage

By Cathy Chester on April 26, 2013

“Life imitates art far more than art imitates life.” ~Oscar Wilde 

How did it all start?  The quick barbs my hubby and I often exchange.  The ones that somehow evolved into a race to be the first one to blurt out a funny quote from a TV show or movie

After all, we’re part of the TV generation. 

We also grew up when it was common for parents to let their kids go to the movies unchaperoned. 

When I was five, my mother drove my two older brothers and me and dropped us off at our local movie theater to see “Mary Poppins.”  Today that’s unthinkable.  If you did that, you’d probably risk someone reporting you to the DYFS child protection agency.

So hubby and I have stored up quite a collection of quotes over the years.  

There are some couples that, after being married for a long time, begin to finish each other’s sentences.  Instead, we use TV and movie quotes, written by accomplished writers as if they were our own.  Many times we say them in unison, giving ourselves a good laugh.

First season cast: (left top) Harper, Asner, L...

Photo: Wikipedia

Early this morning, my husband commented on the “hairstyle” of my naturally curly, sometimes Don King-like-looking hair. At that time of day, it can look pretty scary before combing it and using some hair gel.  He glanced at me and sarcastically said, “Your hair looks lovely.”  My quick response was, “My hair is a gift and a curse.”  The obsessive-compulsive TV detective Adrian Monk (from the series “Monk”) would be proud I used his line.

Faneuil Hall, Boston, 1977. I should have used hair gel in college. What was I thinking?

Faneuil Hall, Boston, 1977. I should have used hair gel in college. What was I thinking?

We’re constantly reusing clever witticisms, finding great pleasure in reusing humor that gave us a good chuckle when we first heard it.

Once when we were out to dinner with a group of friends, the conversation turned to gun control.  The intensity of the topic became heated, and it wasn’t going well. I decided to inject a slight Hawkeye Pierce brilliance for levity:

“I will not carry a gun, Frank.  When I got thrown into this war I had a clear understanding with the Pentagon: no guns.  I’ll carry your books; I’ll carry a torch, I’ll carry a tune.  I’ll carry on, carry over, carry forward, Cary Grant, cash and carry, carry me back to Old Virginia.  I’ll even ‘hari-kari’ if you show me how, but I will not carry a gun!”

When I was finished, I could swear I heard the sound of crickets.  Then suddenly, everyone exploded with laughter.  It was a good segue.

There have been times when hubby and I are out with others, and we’ve uttered a familiar quote during the conversation.  We pause, quickly glance across the table at each other and smile, knowing we’ve shared a secret known only between us.  It’s always a sweet moment. 

You may all collectively say “Aww” now. 

Here are some lessons and laughter from the talents of many gifted writers we’ve come across over the years.  I thank them for their carefully chosen words and for showing me that, indeed, life DOES imitate art:

Sexuality - (“The Golden Girls”):
Rose: “I don’t know what to wear on a cruise."
Blanche: "A life jacket and a great big smile.

Male Anatomy – (“My Favorite Year”):
(Alan Swann has blundered into the wrong restroom)
Lil: This is for ladies only!
Alan Swann: (unzipping his fly) So is this, Ma’am.  But every now and then I have to
run a little water through it.”

Sensationalism in Journalism:  - (“His Girl Friday”):
Walter Burns: “Look, I don’t care if there’s a million dead.  No, no, junk the Polish Corridor.  Take all those Miss America pictures off page six.  Take Hitler and stick him on the funny pages.  No, no, leave the rooster story alone.  That’s human interest."

The Bible – (“The History of the World”):
Moses: “G-d has given us these Fifteen – (after dropping one of the tablets) – Oy - Ten Commandments!” 

Diet – (“The Mary Tyler Moore Show”)
Rhoda: “I don’t know why I should even bother to eat this. I should just apply it directly to my hips.

Woody Allen’s Point of View on Sex – (“Annie Hall”)
Alvy Singer: “It’s mental masturbation!”
Annie Hall: “And you would know all about THAT, wouldn’t you?”
Alvy Singer: “Hey, don’t knock masturbation!  It’s sex with someone you love.”

Anxiety – (“The Mary Tyler Moore Show):
Mary: “Oh, Rhoda, chocolate doesn’t solve anything.”
Rhoda: “No, Mare. Cottage cheese solves nothing.  Chocolate can do it all.”

What quotes do you remember and use from time to time? 




Cathy Chester


  1. Love these quotes, Cathy! I have used Rhoda's comment about hips numerous times. 🙂 These old show are classic. The lines are as funny now as they were back then.

  2. Love. Love. Love. I am so impressed that you could totally recall the Hawkeye Pierce quote!

    My husband and I often reference Seinfeld --- "Serenity Now!" ---- "And you wanna be my butler?"

  3. I loved this brought back some great memories from some classic shows. I miss Golden Girls and Mash and Mary Tyler Moore! And I've certainly used that Rhoda comment about the hips many times. Thought about it last night when I was eating some jellybeans. LOL.

  4. Hi Cathy, I often get the feeling that you and I could have a good old time with watching marathons, TV or movies, because we seem to enjoy the same ones. I guess that's not very strange since those shows were top rated.

    We could have a marathon in a football stadium to a sell-out crowd. We could speak in unison during certain dialogues.

    Oh, do you like plays, too?

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