An Empowered Spirit Blog Post

Am I Crazy To Begin A Weight Loss Program Over The Holidays?

By Cathy Chester on December 19, 2013

The “W” word.  The one word my husband is never allowed to mention to me.  Not only because he’s been the same weight for his entire adult life, but also because he knows nothing about weight gain or the need to diet.  I think if he ever tells me I’m overweight I might be forced to begin divorce proceedings.

Jenny Craig Cathy Scale

I, on the other hand, have struggled with weight issues my whole adult life.  I’ve gone up and down and all around the scale.

I clearly remember my first job in Manhattan when I competed daily in a fierce battle (think “The Devil Wears Prada”) with other young women vying to be noticed by executives.  We all starved ourselves to stay as thin as we could.

Jenny Craig Being Thin

Vacationing in Acapulco the year I began working in Manhattan, 1981.

Madison Avenue is a jungle.

After perimenopause, I lost control over pounds creeping up on me, and what gravity did with them after their invasion.

It’s such an ugly process.

But after reading my friend Lois Alter Mark’s blog, Midlife at the Oasis, and learning about her success story on the Jenny Craig program, I decided I’d try to take weight matters into my own hands by signing up with Jenny.

It was an Aha moment.

Jenny craig logo

After all, Jenny Craig was the one weight loss program I haven’t tried, so I thought I’d give it a whirl.

I scheduled my first appointment, and before that day arrived I received not one but two phone calls from a Jenny employee.  They wanted to offer me words of encouragement.

I was thankful but, admittedly, a little nervous.

Jenny Craig Jennifer

My Jenny Craig Manager, Jennifer, greeted me with a big smile. She was encouraging and lovely.

When I first walked through their door they made me feel like a rock star. Four smiling faces greeted me, including Jennifer, the lovely Manager.  She gave me a tour of the place and introduced me to my personal consultant.

After taking my (agh!) measurements and then (ugh!) stepping onto the scale, I sat down with my consultant to discuss the entire Jenny Craig program.  I learned about their wide variety of health conscious food choices, the fruits, vegetables, heart healthy fats and reduced-fat dairy I would be adding to my meal plan, and the importance of scheduling in some daily exercise.

I talked about my love-hate relationship with food and weight, and she listened intently as I discussed my goals and anxieties about success with weight loss.

This is only a small portion of my weekly Jenny menu. Honestly, I haven't felt hungry yet!

When we finished our discussion, we decided on my meal plan for the week.  They were more than happy to substitute meals when necessary (I don’t eat beef), and offered suggestions on how to stay on track while attending various holiday events.

Could I have picked a more difficult time to begin a new weight loss program?  Probably not.  But I had to start sometime, and I’d rather jump in now rather than gaining five more pounds by the time New Year’s Day rolls around.

So I’m off to a fresh start, with the help of Jenny Craig.  I’ve already enjoyed my first days of delicious Jenny entrees, and feel good I’m taking some time to do something positive and healthy for myself.

I’ll keep you posted on how I’m doing.  Wish me luck!

*I received a free month on the Jenny Craig program and food products.  There was no compensation.  All opinions are solely my own.  NOTE: Members following the Jenny Craig program lose, on average, 1 -2 lbs. per week.

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Cathy Chester


  1. I'll be following your progress on this one. I've tried different diet strategies but tend to fall off track when I get stressed out. Maybe a system like this, where the only food I can eat is clearly setup and portion controlled would help me over those first couple of months getting started.

  2. You go, girl! You can do it!! Jenny is a great program that really works. I love your post and the photos are terrific.

  3. Hi Cathy, I applaud your choice to gain control of your food and your weight! yay! and Yes, you can lose weight over the holidays. I gave seven simple tips in my latest blog, "7 Things you can do now to look HOT on New Year's."
    But... (you knew this was coming) I have a huge problem with pre-packaged 'weight loss' foods. The truth is, your body is perfect and given the right conditions, you can get to your ideal weight without ever having to diet again. I'd love to tell you how - friend to friend. Just be careful about what's in those bags and boxes! yikes! hugs and happy holidays!

  4. Well, you might be a little crazy to consider LOSING weight over the holidays but you may at least MAINTAIN it while on JC and then once the non-stop holiday eating is over, the pounds will probably start to fall off really quickly. Congratulations, keep us posted!

  5. I cannot wait to see what you think, Cathy! I have considered Jenny Craig several times. Please update us...I may be joining you soon! Good for you...I am not going to let the holidays keep me out of the gym either!

  6. Nope, not crazy - no. Giving yourself the gift of a healthy lifestyle is never crazy. 🙂 I lost 60+ pounds on weight watchers and never looked back. However you choose to do it, embrace it and the new you. Merry Christmas!

  7. I am so impressed by your resolve. Now is the BEST time to start a food program. Look at it this way: even if you stay the same or lose a pound or 2 over the holidays, that's better than GAINING who knows what, right?

    I absolutely love that photo of you in the yellow dress. Look at that waistline! Wow! Go for it, Cathy, you can do it!!!

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