An Empowered Spirit Blog Post

What Is The Name Of The Book That Has Changed My Life? (Giveaway)

By Cathy Chester on July 5, 2016

I'm talking about yoga again because of the physical benefits it offers to anyone searching for a healthier way of life. These include increased flexibility and muscle strength, improved energy and vitality, maintaining a balanced metabolism, weight reduction, cardio health and protection from injury.

It’s also about breathwork, meditation, stretching and mindfulness. All of this can put you on a path toward a healthier YOU.


For anyone living with any ailment from A to Z the tenets of yoga can help you.

“I have witnessed how yoga provides a healing path for my students. The thousands of sessions as their instructor have provided me with hope for the future that those with multiple sclerosis (MS) and neuromuscular conditions can live a quality life.” ~Mindy Eisenberg


Photo: Property of Yoga Moves MS

That’s why I’m thrilled to introduce you to a book I found that helps bring adaptive yoga right into your home. I was excited to find it for myself and now I'd like to share it with you.


The name of the book is Adaptive Yoga Moves Any Body and its author, Mindy Eisenberg, has been teaching yoga to students with MS and other neuromuscular conditions for 11 years. And with amazing results.  


I met Mindy at the recent Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers annual meeting where she had a busy exhibit hall booth. It took me two days to finally catch up with her! When I did I soon realized that if I lived in Michigan she’d definitely be my new BFF. I loved her overwhelming passion to help anyone struggling with disease with the growing Yoga Moves community she created.


A few of Mindy's happy students

Having a conversation with Mindy was inspiring.

“My students are my inspiration and I take great pride in our growing Yoga Moves community. They bright light to darkness, courage to fear, inspiration to despair, and healing to suffering. They make me feel as though I am the luckiest yoga instructor on the planet.” ~Mindy Eisenberg, Adaptive Yoga Moves Any Body

For anyone unfamiliar with adaptive yoga here's my explanation of it. When my son was young I’d drive him to grade school (fifteen minutes from our home) and then, once a week, head to yoga class. It was an intermediate class and I was able to keep up with fellow students.

Today my MS has given me a few added challenges. Practicing adaptive yoga fits the bill, with my instructor tweaking my practice to suit my new needs.

Here's Mindy’s explanation of adaptive yoga:

"What is Adaptive Yoga? Those with movement challenges require a more creative approach to traditional postures.

In this book, traditional standing poses are presented with adaptations seated in a chair or lying down on a mat. Likewise, traditional seated poses that are commonly practiced on the mat are adapted so that individuals receive similar benefits when they are practiced in a chair.”  

Over the years I’ve looked for a book that would allow me to practice yoga at home on the days there was no class. I searched and searched and came up empty.

Enter Mindy’s book and BAM!  When I opened it I felt like I was welcoming a yoga instructor and fellow students into my home.

As you leaf through the book there's page after page of helpful photographs of people (all MIndy’s students - isn’t that wonderful?) demonstrating a specific pose, along with explanations of the pose’s primary benefits, any precautions, and a list of props to have on hand.


There are adaptations and variations on poses, as well as thoughtful quotes from Mindy’s students. All of this rounds out the feeling that you're in the right place.


At the back of the book are lists, with photos, of any specific move you may be looking for. For example, there’s a page of poses for “Computer Break Sequence” (don’t we all need that?) with fifteen different poses listed underneath and where you can find them in the book.  


On the righthand side of the page is an outline of Energetic Qualities, Time Estimates and Props.

There are four pages of definitions in case you have any questions, and two pages of useful resources for organizations along with suggested readings and recordings.

I was so bowled over by the beauty of this book that I began reading it on the plane ride home. It helped me feel that I can feel good about myself despite my diagnosis, that I can be part of not only the yoga movement but also become part of a large (loving) community.

Mindy’s passion is evident in every word she writes because this was a true labor of love, As she says:

“Very simply, my Yoga Moves students asked me to write a guide for them. They enjoyed how they felt during and after completing a class, and wanted to continue their practice at home. Experience showed them that the benefits of yoga dramatically increased with more frequent practice. They needed a way to remember the poses and techniques and asked me for a few photos with accompanying instructions.

The more I spoke with other yoga instructors, practitioners, and medical professionals about the idea for an adaptive yoga book, the more it became apparent that there was a need for a comprehensive, user-friendly guide. With their simple request, my students unknowingly sent me on a five year journey researching and writing. Adaptive Yoga Moves Any Body to honor their appeal.”

I can’t stress enough how much I love this book! It feels like I finally found something (and someone) to help me reach my wellness goals. Now I can do my yoga routine in the comfort of my home knowing that I have a safe place to fall, in the arms of a book and a community. Thanks, Mindy.



NOTE: This is a comprehensive guide for everyone that’s ideal for:

  • Any body
  • Individuals with MS and neuromuscular conditions
  • Caregivers or family members of those with movement challenges
  • New yoga students
  • Experienced yogis who desire a home reference
  • Yoga instructors seeking to learn how to adapt poses

Proceeds from the book go to Yoga Moves MS, a non-pro t, 501(c) (3) organization dedicated to providing therapeutic yoga for individuals with MS and neuromuscular conditions. It’s available at or Amazon. For more information email or visit

COMING SOON: Videos of sequences to complement the book and instruction!!


GREAT NEWS!!! I am giving away two copies of MIndy's book! Leave a comment below for a chance to win Adaptive Yoga Moves Any Body. The winners will receive a notice via email. Contest ends at midnight on July 12, 2016. Good luck!

DISCLOSURE: I received one free copy of Adaptive Yoga Moves Any Body. I did not receive compensation for this review. All opinions are, as always, completely my own.


Cathy Chester


  1. I am encouraged by this wonderfully enriching book! It's so inspiring for those of us with chronic neuro conditions. Thank you for the chance to win.

  2. As someone who has physical limitations I would love to explore this book. I practice yoga, but I cannot physically do some of the poses. This book looks like it contains options for people like me.

  3. This is great. I will share with a coworker who is in a wheelchair and who has rhemotoid arthritis. Thanks for the peek inside the book-- very helpful.
    I am glad it is working for you,Cathy.

  4. what a wonderful concept - not just for the physically impaired person - but for the "not as young as they used to be" or "not as flexible as they'd like to be" person too! I'm in Australia so won't be eligible for the book prize but I'm sure the winners will love it 🙂

  5. Thank you a chance to win this book. I can not always get up after I get down any longer. The book looks awesome!

  6. I did 20/20, Pilates & yoga classes before I was diagnosed & loved them. My legs could never really keep up in Zumba & a few years later learned why. As my 4 year MS Anniversary is on 7/16/16, this is just what will help motivate me to start Yoga again

  7. Thanks for sharing this book. I am very new to yoga. My over 50 body feels aches and pains like never before and I thought it might help. Here's to a more flexible body!

  8. I've had this book for about 3-4 months...I had been somewhat of a "yogini" ..I belonged to a great yoga studio...taking all but advanced level classes....always enjoying all aspects of yoga, physical, emotional and spiritual ...many of my MS symptoms are first identified during lack of dorsiflex action...proven by the constantly decreasing ability to windshield wiper or gas pedal my right foot...

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE this book....not only does it breakdown almost every pose in various iterations ...for example....down dog, wall down dog, chair down dog ...but it also has some specific vinyasa's (think flowing workout routine in synch with breath.

    For those MSers looking for ways to get their body moving....this is the book !

  9. This really looks comprehensive in a very instructive way. I see why you love this book, the photos are great with alternative posing very clear. Thanks for sharing Cathy!

  10. I always thought of yoga as exercise, and I'm not an exercise person. You have made it sound so relaxing that I will give it a try. Your enthusiasm is catching.

  11. This looks like an amazing book. Clearly yoga can be adapted for just about anyone, and the rewards are manifold. So glad you shared this info with your readers!

  12. This is an awesome thing. I've been looking for the right place to start with yoga and without much knowledge of the practice or the physical ability to keep up in the class setting, I've come up empty. I think this would be perfect for me. Thank you for sharing.

  13. I need help with my balance. One day my husband and I were walking up a flight of stairs. I said hold on sweetie, I seem to be veering all over the place. He held out his hand and replied; that's okay as long as you veer towards me.

  14. I'm so glad you found something that's a good fit. This sounds like it could actually be life-changing for many people. It also sounds like a great way to start getting into yoga for anyone.

  15. I admire your contributions and suggestions for people who are challenged in some way. It's good to remember what we CAN do, not what we can't do.

    As I was sitting topless at a doctor's appointment this morning, I told my doctor I wasn't thrilled with my mismatched breasts after 10 breast cancer surgeries. He said, "You can have those surgically fixed," to which I replied, "I'm not having any more breast surgeries, and if another man happens to come into my life, he needs to know I'm more than my breasts!"

    We are more than our MS, breast cancer, arthritis, ALS... We're still the same smart, loving, determined people we've always been... Actually, I take that back. We're smarter, more loving and more determined since our diagnosis... Add compassionate to that as well.
    xoxo, Brenda

  16. Bravo to Mindy for creating such a wonderful resource to accommodate Any Body!

    As a yoga teacher myself, I work with a client who has a severe neuromuscular condition. We work only on the mat and adapt many of the poses. I plan to order this book for my client as well as for myself! I look forward to gaining new insight from Mindy's extensive experience.
    The material in the book looks to be presented very clearly so that anyone, at any level, can begin a yoga practice without feeling overwhelmed or intimidated. I truly appreciate you bringing this book to my attention Cathy. With gratitude...xo

  17. I would love to have a copy of the book for the computer break poses. I'm having such difficulty sitting for long periods of time these days. It's causing all sorts of weird problems. Thank you for such a wonderful review.

  18. What a wonderful resource! One of the many reasons I love yoga is because it CAN be adapted to any body. I know having this resource in people's homes will the so helpful and the videos will be great!

  19. Yoga is an important part of my morning routine even on the not so good days. I truly believe in the power of yoga. As well as eating healthy, drinking enough water and listening to what my mind, body and sprit needs are for that day. This book is just what I need, so happy I stumbled upon this blog.😀

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The mission of this blog is to encourage those with MS, to educate the world on what MS is and isn’t, and to help those with MS live a joyful and empowered life.
This blog and the information contained here is not meant to be, and is not a substitute for, medical advice. If you are wondering if you have MS, or have questions related to the signs and symptoms of MS, please contact your physician.
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