An Empowered Spirit Blog Post

My Anniversary, A Few Truths And One Great Big Fat Lie

By Cathy Chester on November 20, 2014

I'm always up for something fun, especially since I'm almost in the homestretch of NaBloPoMo. So I was more than happy when the lovely Elin Stebbins Waldal of Beyond the Backyard Blues invited me and a few of my blogging buddies to play a game that begins today.


But I wasn't sure if I wanted to participate because, you see, today is my 26th wedding anniversary. The day I walked down the aisle and exchanged vows under the chuppah with my best friend.

Our journey together has been like most marriages, filled with ups and downs that, in the end, has drawn us closer together. I cherish my husband and our life together, and the way he makes me feel beautiful and valued each and every day.

The icing on our cake was the birth of our incredible son who is the joy of our lives. Together the three of us are a team, and I am mindful every day how blessed we truly are.

Now back to the game. I am going to write 5 truths and 1 lie about myself and you must decide which one is the lie. Can you spot it? Leave your comments below, and tomorrow I will reveal the answer.

  1. A married man once asked me to be his mistress, and if I said yes he said he would rent  an apartment to be our cozy little love nest.
  2. I asked former New York City Mayor Ed Koch to lower the city's taxes.
  3. I had a chef bake a specialty cake for me, then told my date that I baked it.
  4. Billy Crystal asked me if I grew up in a family where we had two sets of dishes, one for dairy and one for meat.
  5. I love flying in small airplanes. Our honeymoon was in Little Dix Bay on the island of Virgin Gorda. We flew to Puerto Rico, then took a tiny plane to the island. It was exhilarating.
  6. I worked on an assembly line in a factory where my job was to place a tiny widget on top of every appliance that rolled by on a conveyor belt.

Cathy Chester


  1. Happy Anniversary! Okay, this is good because I believe every one!!! You are going to have to fess up. I'm going with the factory, but I'm pretty sure i'm wrong.

  2. First of all, happy anniversary!! I hope you and Gary have a wonderful day today. Second, I guess #6 is the lie. Fun game!

  3. Happy Anniversary! What an inspiration the two of you are.
    As for the lie I don't know why but I'm going with #5. Did I read once you were afraid of heights?

  4. 3., no 5, no 6. guess i don't know you that well. and i've known you for all 26 years you've been married!
    but i really doubt the cake story. i will be sitting on pins and needles. ha!

  5. Happiest anniversary wonderful lady! As I read your list, I felt like I was on Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me listening to that segment where each tells a beautifully filled in story but not all are true! Well played and masterfully written Cathy! I totally have a guess and I am pretty sure I am right! Can't wait for the big reveal tomorrow!

  6. Happy Anniversary! I hope you and Gary have a wonderful day--turn off your computer--haha! OK. My guess is #5. Only the lie is "I love flying in small planes." Other than a pilot, I have never known anyone who "LOVES" to fly in a small plane. Just saying' 😉

  7. Well Cathy, I have known you a very long time and never knew you to tell an untruth, but I will play along with you just cause I love you! I don't think that you worked in a factory with widgets on an assembly line. I don't know what a widget is and I never heard that story to be a fact. You and I worked almost side by side for many years (and I never saw a widget on your desk, but candy and cookies, maybe frequently.) Your bright, beautiful smile would start my day and so it went! We worked together, ate together, laughed a lot, learned a lot, but mostly I gained a new member of my family. You were the same age as my daughter and I felt so close to you when you were a young girl, and the feeling is still there. It was a natural event to adopt you in my heart. Will never forget the beautiful bride you were on that very rainy day, but your smile brought out the sunshine. I wish you the best on your anniversary, together with Gary, for many more years to come and to enjoy all the good things that Jordan will bring to you in the years ahead. My love, always. Shirley

  8. Happy anniversary! May you have many more happy and wonderful years together in good health!!

    Okay this is a difficult multiple choice!! So my instinct is that # 6 is not true. But then again, it may be a trick question so I want to say # 3 is not true. Maybe that happened to a friend but not you. Or maybe....Oh whatever! I will have to wait till tomorrow to read the answer!!

    Looking forward. 🙂 and again - happy anniversary!

  9. Happy Anniversary to you and your husband! I hope y'all have a wonderful day celebrating your milestone.

    I'm guessing #5 is a lie...just because I'm terrified of flying in small planes and can't get past my own fear to think of anyone actually enjoying it.

  10. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! That's great! What a fun little exercise to do here too. I'm guessing that #5 is the lie. This probably did happen but you do NOT love flying in small planes! Haha! I can't wait to hear what the lie is.

  11. First of all, happy anniversary to you and Gary! Wishing you so much love. Okay, I can't imagine where you would have worked in a factory. But because it's so unusual, it could be true. So, I'm going with #5 because even thought you took small planes to those beautiful places, it's hard to believe you actually loved flying in them! So interesting to learn more about my favorite people!

  12. Happy anniversary. OK , I don't know you well, just from your blog which I first discovered just a couple months ago. But my guess is #6 is made up. Looking forward to finding out if my instincts are as good as I think they are.

  13. Happy Anniversary!

    In terms of the "lie", I want to say the "widget" thing, but that seems so out of character that it may actually be true, LOL!

    I can definitely see you asking Ed Koch to lower the taxes. I can also imagine you engaging Billy Crystal in such a conversation. Hmmmmm.... I just don't know :0 I can't wait to find out, though!

  14. Oh, you're good, dear friend, very, very good. I'm guessing the factory, because I think if you were responsible for putting a widget atop an appliance, you'd know the name of that widget. Say it loud, say it proud. Or not, because it could be the small planes one...I don't think you'd like small planes....

    Whisper me the answer. I won't tell. Promise, no lie. 😉

  15. Happy Anniversary - and what a cute idea for a post. I'll go with the Billy Crystal comment. I don't know why, but just because I have that feeling...

  16. I vote #2. Sounds exactly like you.... but no one has guessed it so far. So I am going to say that you did it but is was a Mayor after Koch. 🙂 Waiting with anticipation for tomorrow.

  17. How fun! I may need to do a blog post like this too, even though I wasn't invited. 🙂 I'm thinking the factory line is the lie. I look forward to finding out the answer tomorrow.

    I'm so glad to see the light at the end of the NaBloPoMo tunnel too!

    Happy Ampliversity!

  18. This is difficult.... I can see you in all of these situations but I'll go with #4 because that question from Billy Crystal just seems like a given if he's taking with a nice jewish girl.

  19. I love this. I love the photo of you and your husband more. We are so close -- in marriage age. We celebrate our 26th next month. Happy Anniversary. Mazal Tov! Gosh. Lots of great things. I'm thinking Number 5. You took the trip, but I think the lie is loving small airplanes. 🙂

  20. Happy Anniversary! I would have to say the Billy Crystal comment is the lie! Can't wait to find out! wishing you both blessing for many more years to come!

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