An Empowered Spirit Blog Post

A Chance To Adopt: Biggest Cat Expo Comes to New Jersey This Weekend

By Cathy Chester on July 14, 2014

Anyone who knows me knows how much I love animals. I’m dedicated to using my voice to stop animal abuse, putting a stop to kill shelters, and using social media to help shelter animals find loving homes.


So when my brother forwarded me an article from about “America's Biggest Cat Expo Comes To Somerset County”I knew I had to spread the word. Quickly.

On Saturday and Sunday, July 19 – 20 from 10am – 4pm, The Garden State Cat Club of New Jersey, Inc. will be holding their 78th Annual Cat Expo-Show at The Garden State Exhibit Center in Somerset, N.J. This event is a major fundraiser for the non-profit club, with proceeds from the show going to New Jersey animal shelters, disaster relief efforts and feline health studies. To date, the club has donated over $64,000 to relief and shelters, and cats have benefitted from hundreds of thousands of dollars of donations to various health organizations such as Feline Health Studies and Winn Feline Foundation.


What matters most to me about this expo is there will be over 100 cats from local shelters and rescue groups on-site from 5 counties, with organizations such as Second Chance for Animals (Somerset), Hope for Animals (Metuchen), Lost Paws (Annandale), Angel Paws (Colonia), among others.

Applications for adoption will be made available at the event, and once families are approved the cat will be delivered to their home.


Here are a few other events taking place at the expo:

  • A highlight of the shelter adoptions will be a “Shelter Stars” competition where shelter cats compete for rosettes that are awarded in categories such as “Longest Tail” and “Biggest Couch Potato.” At the awards presentation, the public will hear the rescue story of each winner, and learn about the activities of the rescue group caring for the cat.  A People’s Choice Award is presented to the kitty receiving the most ballots from the visitors to the show.
  • There will be a variety of seminars and special presentations including, “How to Select a Pet Sitter,” “Feline Grooming,” “Traveling with your Cat.”
  • There will be a chance to “Ask the Vet” questions.
  • The Meow Mall will showcase unusual cat products as well as offer a large selection of cat trees, toys, grooming supplies, litter, food, and cat-themed gifts.
If you live in the area I hope you can stop by to support this wonderful cause. If not, perhaps you can share this post with others to help spread the word. The kitties all thank you!


Tickets are $10 for adults, $8 for seniors and $5 for children under 12. Children in strollers are admitted free of charge. There is a family rate of $25, with a coupon from, which includes up to four people and a maximum of two adults. Donations are tax deductible. 

The Garden State Exhibit Center is located in Somerset, N.J., at exit 10 off of I-287. For more information, call (908) 276-9423 or check the club’s website for the latest information and discount coupons.

About Garden State Cat Club

Organized in 1936, Garden State Cat Club (GSCC) is the third oldest cat club affiliated with Cat Fancier's Association (CFA). The objectives are: to promote the welfare of all cats; to create interest in, and knowledge of cats by the staging of shows, seminars, educational presentations and interaction with the public and other organizations having similar objectives; to cooperate with and provide financial support to feline research and welfare facilities; to encourage proper care and responsible ownership of all cats; and to encourage and cultivate friendships through social and cat show-related activities.

GSCC contributes to animal welfare and feline health organizations as funds permit. The club also monitors legislative issues that may impact pet ownership and the breeding of pedigreed cats. To learn more about GSCC membership, visit the membership page.

The Garden State Cat Club of New Jersey is a registered 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization dedicated to the welfare of all cats. Your donation is tax-deductible as defined by IRS.


Cathy Chester


  1. I hope your message is heard far and wide, Cathy. There are so many sweet cats that need loving homes. I hope many of them at this show go home with their forever families!

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