An Empowered Spirit Blog Post

How Can I Be Thankful For My Chronic Illness?

By Cathy Chester on March 9, 2017

When I write posts about my chronic illness I wonder if I sound whiny or insincere. I'd hate to think I do. When I began to blog I held back on opening up my heart for fear that readers would lose interest.

After five years of blogging I found that people find hope and strength in my stories. I say that with great humility. If something I've said resonates, if I've touched someone's soul, THAT is the reason why I blog.

To make a difference.

chronic illnessMarch is MS Awareness Month, but I believe every day is an opportunity for awareness.

[ctt template="7" link="9Xz17" via="yes" ]March is MS Awareness Month: Why am I still thankful for my diagnosis? #MSAwarenessMonth #ChangingaLifeMSAA #MultipleSclerosis[/ctt]

Two years ago I wrote a post for MS Awareness Month about why I'm thankful for my diagnosis. I explained how my diagnosis gave me a sense of purpose and introduced me to the extraordinary people I meet on this crazy and sometimes difficult journey

As odd as it sounds it's how I felt. It's still how I feel.

chronic illness

My post "Why I'm Thankful for My Diagnosis" is pinned to my Twitter feed

Here are a few more reasons why I'm thankful.

If I was never diagnosed I never would have:

  • Been as mindful, at such a young age, about the fragility of life and the importance of telling those you love how you feel about them. And to know the value of a single day.
  • Had the opportunity to meet countless people from the medical community who work tirelessly for better patient care and research for MS.
  • Had the honor of working for a health-related website who puts patients first, who sees all contributors and moderators not only as employees but as valued partners who have opinions that matter.
  • Learned, through observation, about human nature and how it's healthier to accept people for who they are and not how you wish them to be.
  • Felt the blessings, light and love of dear friends who have my back even when I'm at my worst. They are my heroes and sisters who support me every day. I hope they know how much they mean to me, and how their love lifted my spirit through some very dark days. I thank them all.
  • Had the blessing of hearing stories from readers who are living a difficult journey. I am honored to know their courage, and hope my heartfelt words gave them some comfort and peace.
  • Felt the unconditional love and support of my husband and son. If I was never diagnosed their unwavering love would still exist because that's who they are. Their inner strength has been tested with each MS exacerbation, because my struggles are also theirs. They rise to the challenge, without question, every single time. I thank Gd for them.
  • Last, but certainly not least, I thank YOU for reading my blog, for honoring me with your stories and allowing me the pleasure of knowing you. I am grateful for the opportunity to be a small part of your lives.BONUS

    (Monday to Sunday): Watch this sweet and informational video created by the Multiple Sclerosis Association of America who are committed to making a difference in the lives of people with MS.

About Multiple Sclerosis

"Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease of the central nervous system (CNS), which consists of the brain, optic nerves, and spinal cord. MS damages or destroys the protective covering (known as myelin) surrounding the nerves of the CNS, and can potentially injure the nerves as well. This damage causes reduced communication between the brain and nerve pathways. Common MS symptoms include visual problems, overwhelming fatigue, difficulty with balance and coordination, and various levels of impaired mobility. Many experts estimate that 2.5 million people worldwide have been diagnosed with this disease, and most people with MS are diagnosed between the ages of 15 and 50. MS is not contagious and researchers continue to look for both a cause and a cure."~ Multiple Sclerosis Association of America





Cathy Chester

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The mission of this blog is to encourage those with MS, to educate the world on what MS is and isn’t, and to help those with MS live a joyful and empowered life.
This blog and the information contained here is not meant to be, and is not a substitute for, medical advice. If you are wondering if you have MS, or have questions related to the signs and symptoms of MS, please contact your physician.
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