An Empowered Spirit Blog Post

How YOU Can Help Me Use My Voice as a Courageous Warrior

By Cathy Chester on May 9, 2018

I never intended to share so much of myself with readers when I first created An Empowered Spirit, to reveal my hidden feelings, experiences, hopes, and dreams. I know it’s something good writers are supposed to do but it was difficult for me. Then I read a book that forever changed me, Elizabeth Lesser’s “Broken Open.” Her words gave me the courage to be frank, open and honest in my writing. In return, I’ve been rewarded with readers who tell me that my work as a health advocate has helped them feel less alone, more empowered and forever grateful.   

“Every catastrophe can hand us exactly what we need to awaken into who we really are.” ~Elizabeth Lesser

I’m about to break myself open again for a good reason. 


 I recently relocated to a new area of N.J. where I know almost no one. Being a freelance writer can be a lonely profession, so in my quest to meet new people I joined a wonderful organization called B.I.G. (Believe Inspire Grow) whose mission is, among other things, to help women live the way they were meant to live by providing inspiration, tools, community, and a whole lot more. I’ve met many wonderful, inspiring women and attended some fascinating and informative presentations.

Being new to the group you can imagine how surprised I was to be nominated for their B.I.G. Financial Courage Award in the category of Courageous Warrior. With over 5,000 members throughout New Jersey, New York City, Connecticut and Massachusetts this is a really big honor.


I guess it paid off to break myself open because people took notice of my work and decided I was worthy of a nomination. Boy, does that feel good!

(If you're new here and want to learn more about me and the work I do please scroll to the end of this post and watch my TED-type talk presented in 2017.)

As a certified patient advocate, I believe in using our strong voices to educate others about chronic illness, disability, and (for me) multiple sclerosis.

I see this nomination as a golden opportunity to use my voice in a setting that's not health-related. It's a chance to teach an entirely new audience what it's like living with an incurable disease.  

So I’m asking for your vote to help me reach even further than I’ve ever reached before. Simply click here, listen to my (very) short video (and to the two incredible ladies also nominated in this category) and then vote!

If I win - and that's a big if - who knows whose life I'll touch? That's something I'd love to find out.

Thank you for stopping by. I sincerely appreciate your visit.

NOTE: You can vote from May 7th through May 31st. Voting polls close at midnight on May 31st. Thank you.


Cathy Chester


  1. You ARE a courageous warrior! So deserving of this award and I hope you get it. <3

  2. Congratulations on receiving this special nomination! You have my vote every time. Without a doubt, you are a Courageous Warrior. More power to you my dear friend! Lots of love xo

  3. I could relate to this post on so many levels. Even though I don't have MS, I have faced my own health issues and I know that some days it takes enormous courage just to get out of bed. You Ted talk was fabulous. Thank you for being such an inspiration. I am honored to vote for you.

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The mission of this blog is to encourage those with MS, to educate the world on what MS is and isn’t, and to help those with MS live a joyful and empowered life.
This blog and the information contained here is not meant to be, and is not a substitute for, medical advice. If you are wondering if you have MS, or have questions related to the signs and symptoms of MS, please contact your physician.
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