An Empowered Spirit Blog Post

Four Ways to Look for Inner Peace After 2021 and a Wish for 2022

By Cathy Chester on December 31, 2021

As we wind down the year I wanted to say a few quick words.

The year 2021 was an extraordinarily difficult one. If you’ve experienced sickness, loss, or struggles of any kind I hope you’re finding your way through the darkness as best and as quickly as possible.

I know firsthand that COVID can linger physically and emotionally. With three vaccines on my side, it could’ve been much worse. I’m grateful for scientists, essential workers, and the people in my life who care about my welfare.

Four Ways to Look for Inner Peace After 2021 and a Wish for 2022

In 2021 I experienced unexpected sadness and disappointment and was desperate to find ways to cope. I made a commitment to:

  • Daily meditation - (I recommend the free phone app Insight Timer.)
  • Walking in nature -  It’s important to find accessible paths, and walk as much as your abilities allow.
  • Inner Work - One definition of inner work is, “Letting go of all kinds of attachments that cause suffering.” (This articles describes it in full - “How to Do Inner Work: 10 Self-Care Tips to Empower and Inspire You”)
  • Every morning I listen to the poem “She Let Go” by Safire Rose and read by John Siddique (I LOVE his voice). I found it on Insight Timer but it’s also available on YouTube. I find it soothing and inspiring.

What have you done to cope with the mental and physical struggles that’ve come your way this year? What’s worked? What hasn’t? What do you need help with? I’d love to hear your story and perhaps I can tackle some answers for you in a future blog post.

“When the soul becomes unburdened it's like a new saddle on a fresh horse. Suddenly the trail feels right again, and the strong horizon line in front of you as your turn becomes its own form of soothing medicine. Something of the sting and burn of the old poison may linger, but having crossed over from the Shadowlands into new open territory, one can almost pick up the scent of blooming flowers within. - from "The Bouquet of the Last Direction," The School of Soft-Attention” ― Hawk of the Pines (Frank LaRue Owen

That’s it for now. I told you’d I’d be quick! I know we’re all inundated at the end-of-the-year so I wanted to sneak in a quick hello and see how you’re doing.

I wish you a healthy, safe, and Happy New Year! Spread a little kindness and hope to those who are suffering. Our world could use a lot more tender loving care.

From our home to yours, I remain your friend,


END NOTE: To find accessible locations (in general) in all major cities check out the user-generated database AXS MAP, powered by GoogleMaps API. The creator, Jason DeSilva, lives with primary progressive MS and his work has been profiled by Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Oprah, and others, and was presented by Jason at the White House in 2015. 


Cathy Chester


    1. Thanks so much, Judy! I wish the same for you.

      Have a healthy and wonderful new year!

      Best to you always,

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