An Empowered Spirit Blog Post

Guns, Politics And That Fake First Family: How To Create A Better World

By Cathy Chester on October 6, 2015

I think we're living in Opposite World because it feels as if the world is spinning out-of control. Odd, surreal and violent events are taking place. Sometimes I pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming.

The scripts Rod Serling wrote for "The Twilight Zone" seem to be closer to reality. He may have been more of a genius than we knew.


Point One: When the magazine "Cosmopolitan" declared on their cover that our First Family was not the President, First Lady and First Daughters but instead were a family of overpaid reality stars whose biggest claim to fame was that their daddy helped get OJ Simpson off of two murder convictions, and are the same ones whose toned, tanned and barely covered bodies are splashed all over the media, I needed to pinch myself. G-d help us all.

Point Two: I can't phrase it better than Jon Stewart. "The world running now: Whites are black. Trump's running for President. Does gravity still work?" Luckily Trump is losing ground in the polls, but it scares the hell out of me at the number of people who support and believe that this guy can really "make America great again."

Point Three: After the recent tragedy of the Oregon shootings President Obama had to make sense (is there any?) about massive gun violence and the laws that allow them to happen. In 2015 alone there were 294 mass shootings, 45 shootings at schools, 9,956 people killed in gun incidents and 20,000 people injured in them.

"We know that other countries, in response to one mass shooting, have been able to craft laws that almost eliminate mass shootings," he said. "Friends of ours, allies of ours - Great Britain, Australia, countries like ours. So we know there are ways to prevent it." ~President Obama

In 2016 I will be voting for a candidate who wants to make changes in gun laws. Columbine. Virginia Tech. The Batman cinema screening. Historic black church killings. Newtown. WDBJ7 news team.

Enough is enough. Gun violence must end.

Point Four: We've become accustomed to the divisiveness of our country because our political parties can get nothing done in Washington, The gap grows wider between the two every day with shutdowns, putdowns and meltdowns.

The commencement speaker at my college graduation was an alum of my school. Tip O'Neill was an outspoken and influential liberal Democrat. Despite his vehement opposition to the policies of Ronald Reagan the two respected and admired one another and were "friends after 6pm", often walking across the political aisle to work together.

As Thomas P. O'Neill wrote of his father in an 2012 New York Times article after the Obama/Romney debate:

"That commitment to put country ahead of personal belief and party loyalty is what Mr. Obama, Mr. Romney and millions of Americans miss so much right now."  


I'm no Pollyanna (mostly!) I realize there have always been problems. Our grandparents lived through World War I and the Depression, and our parents suffered through World War II and the Korean War. We were born during the Vietnam War, civil unrest and shocking assassinations. There has always been poverty, hunger, inequality, inequitable education, issues with sustainable water and sanitation. The list goes on.

I'm empowered by the recent Sustainable Development Goals of the UN. Take a look at them and tool around the UN website.


I'm not going to preach my personal views on how to solve the problems of the world. I'll leave that to the great thinkers. But as I recently heard Nicholas Kristof say in his presentation about his new book "A Path Appears: Transforming LIves, Creating Opportunities ":

"You don't need to invade a place or install a new government to help bring about a positive change."

It's the tiny ripples that can create a free-flowing river. Speak out. Volunteer. Sign a petition. Say a kind word. Open your heart to others. Donate. And read, read, read before making your own choices.

Here's to a better world for all of us.


Cathy Chester


  1. Well said, Cathy! Read, read, read! I feel like the gun nuts and crazy GOP supporters don't know how. Ignorance is fueling all this. We need money for education, not more wars and guns and fake presidential candidates!

  2. These are some of the issues that most thinking people are currently wrestling with. They seem insurmountable sometimes, but, like you said, other generations had problems that they managed to solve.

  3. Hi Cathy! Good for you for getting fired up about all this. I too believe that we can no longer sit by and just flip through our tv stations every night looking for something that will distract us from what's going on. But I think it is going to take more than just reading about it to bring about change--writing about it, being vocal, getting others together to do something, seems to be very important to me nowadays. I believe women are the solution to so much of what is going on, so we need to really get together about the issues that matter and make change happen. I haven't quite figured out what that might be--but I'm looking. And reading your post and getting all of us thinking and talking about it is a good first step. Thank you! ~Kathy

  4. 100% in agreement with everything you say. I am flabbergasted at what our world has become, with all our high hopes. WTF?? I just hope we can get some critical mass behind changes. And I don't mean Trump's definition.

  5. I am mad as hell and I just can't take it in Network the movie!!!! Keep writing posts like this....people need to read them. Why do we all have to agree to be civil to each other? My friends come in all flavors.........I listen to their side of an issue. I think about it...sometimes they hit on something that I haven't thought about. It is important to hear another side of a discussion. We need to start teaching tolerance and respect in schools, place of religious worship, and in our homes. Maybe if we did, we wouldn't have this insurgence of bigotry and hatred in our country. As for guns, we need to keep the pressure on our politicians that gun reform is a MUST.We all know the definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..... is it cocktail time, yet????

  6. I have to admit that I am chagrin that the person who does not read, pay attention, get informed gets the same vote I do. Time for a educracy where the educated get two votes and those who snap to emotional decisions with no research or reflection get just one. Or none. I am such a radical!

  7. You are so right, Cathy, "It’s the tiny ripples that can create a free-flowing river." If everyone just would look for the greater good it would make this world such a better place for the younger generations.

  8. Now that the Kardashians have been named the First Family, I fear the world is coming to an end. Sheesh!

  9. I agree with everything that's been said above, both in the post and the comments. Which means there are a fair number of us "out there" who are willing to listen, to read, to think. I take hope in that.

    I would also love, love, love a poll exam to qualify for voting. The problem is, poll exams were grossly abused to silence legitimate voices, specifically our African American brothers and sisters. Unfortunately, it's a little too easy for such a device to be used to silence rather than encourage folks to get educated. Oh, well. Let us keep fighting the good fight and preaching the good word. And Love.

  10. I'm not sure gravity IS still working. The media, and Washington, and celebrities are all floating around in a thin atmosphere of nonsense. BUT I will spread good cheer and empathy whenever I can. It's the ripples, that's for sure.

  11. Yes, one person can make a difference for sure. That's why it's so important to keep the dialogue running. Nice piece all very true!

  12. I'm reading Our Founding Mothers by Cokie Roberts. The need and grassroots work of women to change our country and our world has been going on for centuries. They've often done this be writing, publishing and talking about how we must make changes, any kind of changes, small, medium or large. We have more power than we know. Pieces like this Cathy are what start the ripple. Thanks, and I too, like Ellen Dolgren will stop clamming up and speak for gun control, women's rights and things that are just right. Like they sAid at UN conference "TELL SOMEONE!"

  13. This might sound counter-intuitive, but I've been focusing on this mantra: nothing has gone wrong here. In many ways our country is right where it needs to be. I don't say this from a pollyanna-ish place, but rather that collectively, this is what we have created. All of us.

    There's got to be a both/and solution rather than and either/or solution. The current gun laws/mental health debate isn't working. It's polarizing. It's fear-based.

    Might a good start be to find evidence that what we truly want in this country already exists versus looking for evidence of what we don't want?

    My sense is that we're being called to a much different that neither side can see right now.

  14. I don't know when this country is going to get smart and start electing government officials that will take a stand on gun control. They fight over abortion, but are willing to let young kids get killed by guns. It makes absolutely no sense to me at all. I loved this piece Cathy!

  15. Frightening on all levels, Cathy. It's a tough balance between putting more of what you want into the world and fighting the insanity that exists. It blows me away that people like the Kardashians and Trump have the platforms that they do, I hope that collectively as a people we can begin to realize that they are very expensive entertainment. In the end that "entertainment" has cost us dearly, just think of what the global perception of what we value is.

  16. Takin' it to the streets might be the answer. Looking back at the ant-war movement, etc. when people demonstrated visibly, instead of pushing a "send" or "share" button, and actually had an impact. I'm with you on the need for change, but frustrated at how quickly and easily the issues get muddied and still nothing happens. If Newtown couldn't shake things up enough to change laws and make us stop putting up with the rhetoric, I just don't know what will. Frustrating and sad. Next election, and all future elections, will hinge on issues of gun laws and womens' health. Enough!

  17. Hi Cathy, I'm out on the west coast, so I'm later responding, but have the privilege of reading your post and ALL the comments and just feeling better--because so many smart women GET what you are saying and FEEL strongly. I swear if more women could run the world we would be in so much better shape. Love Michelle Obama and all of her campaigns. Don't understand a women from Oregon who even when her son had to hide under a desk insists that having everyone in the classroom armed is the solution. INSANE INSANITY. Keep writing and reminding us. You made my day.

  18. After all the documentaries I've watched, I'm beginning to believe that no president will matter, because the special interest groups and other subversive organizations are the ones who run our country and make policies. I think a lot of politicians go into public service because they want to change things, but they realize too late that they really have no power. Not that I want them to give up. I honestly believe good will win out over evil. I'm just afraid I won't see it in my life time.

  19. It's hard to understand how people have come to believe the nonsensical claptrap. Makes no sense. But, it's very true. So, we ponder and learn, and work towards change one moment at a time.

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