An Empowered Spirit Blog Post

Healthy Eating During Stressful Times Can Pave The Way Toward Wellness

By Cathy Chester on February 10, 2014

Have you ever had one of  "those" weeks?  You know the kind. When nothing seems to go right.  When, despite everything you do, nothing goes your way?

I felt better knowing that Mary Tyler Moore experienced the same thing.

Jenny Craig StressfulOkay, so it happened in a sitcom  Whoever wrote that particular episode knows exactly what I mean.

We all experience the normal ups and downs of life in one way or another.  It's inevitable and unavoidable.  You can't experience truly exquisite moments of joy without traveling down a road of unhappiness somewhere on your journey.

I love the poet Kahlil Gibran.  Through the years I've turned to him for his wisdom-filled insights and inspiration.  As a blogger I've come to rely on him for quotes. It was he who said:

“Joy and sorrow are inseparable. . . together they come and when one sits alone with you . . remember that the other is asleep upon your bed.” ~Kahlil Gibran 

This week I had a lot going on in my life, and I felt as if I was on a runaway treadmill with no slow speed limit in sight.  Typically, when I feel this way, I overeat my "comfort" food.

Jenny Craig Stressful Food

Ah, food.  The what-am-I-going-to-stuff-my-face-with-to-make-me-feel-good -feeling that I was dying to dive into.

Did I yearn for a box of chocolate chip cookies?  Or perhaps a huge bowl of pasta with a loaf of garlic bread dripping in butter? Maybe, in honor of Valentine's Day, I'd scarf down a box of chocolates?

Luckily, the old saying "A moment on your lips, a lifetime on your hips" kept popping into my head.

I didn't want to backslide on my regimen of healthy eating after doing so well on the Jenny Craig program.  I've been working hard to look and feel better, so I tried to remain focused by thinking about how I'd feel about myself after gorging on food.

Or how I'd feel after stepping onto the scale.

I did the best that I could.  It's easier when I'm home to stick to the plan; it's much harder when I go out to lunch or dinner.

The trick to healthy eating is to replace your old, bad eating habits with new, healthy ones.  

The days I went out I'd cut up and fill a Ziploc bag with celery, carrots and cucumbers.  I'd keep a small apple in my purse, along with Jenny's Anytime Bar.

When going out to lunch, I was careful with my portion sizes, stuck to salads made with fresh vegetables and grilled chicken or fish, and ordered dressing on the side.

And I drank a lot of water.

I told myself I didn't have time to fit in any exercise. That made all the difference.

When I stepped onto the scale at my Jenny Craig appointment, my weight was the same. I didn't lose any weight, but better than that, I didn't gain any.

Jenny Craig Stressful Weight

I consider that a personal victory.  In the past, I would have relied on food to comfort me.  And this week I didn't.  I relied on myself, and on my knowledge of the relationship between eating and wellness.

Now that I know I can do it, I am proud of myself.  Today is, again, the first day of the rest of my life.  And on this first birthday, I am going to continue to eat right, and make more of an effort to get back on that treadmill for some much needed exercise.

Only this time I am in control.

How do you manage your eating habits during times of stress?

*I received a free month on the Jenny Craig program and a discount on their food for this review.  There was no monetary compensation.  All opinions are solely my own.  NOTE: Clients following the Jenny Craig program lose, on average, 1 -2 lbs. per week.

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Cathy Chester


  1. So it must be something in the air, because I am just about to start on a post about this in my life -- not the eating, per se, but the general sense of malaise. AND, I do also tend to eat crazily when I'm under stress, which then stresses me out even more! Yikes. Glad you ate well and kept your weight stable, good for you!

  2. Cathy, I can tell you are well on your way to victory...I am so happy for you! This is a huge step forward...Weight Watchers always taught if you fall off...just get right back on and don't beat yourself up...I can see that your "self talk" is healthy!! you go girl!

  3. It is definitely a victory! Yay you for making good choices! Next week I bet you'll see a loss when you step on the scale.

  4. For more years than I care to admit, I would head for the cookies, or chocolate. Now? My big splurge is a piece of fruit. Big change for me! Good for you, sticking to your goals!

  5. Glad you are feeling better! Food is always a comfort to me. I've tried to make my house a free zone..meaning anything in the house is mine to eat whenever. I work hard to keep the junk out, not by telling myself it's bad for my body weight, but because I don't support companies who use chemicals and additives that make us all addicted to their products.

    I've been doing it for five months and my weight is finally steady (and slightly falling).

  6. I'm afraid I dig in when I'm is my go-to. I am learning to identify feelings/issues and sit with them rather than be reactive! Tough to do, though. Sounds like you're making some great new habits.

  7. I work in an extremely stressful field and unfortunately we have a very nice cafeteria that makes really good comfort food. I do give credence that sometimes a big ol' cheeseburger is really the best "medicine". But you're absolutely right Cathy that the healthier you can eat during those stressful times you will come out way ahead, much faster with your body assisting you. Good post 🙂

  8. Good for you Cathy. It's so hard to maintain our habits during hectic or chaotic times in life. Last week for example, because my daughter was home a few days cause of the storm, I wasn't able to work out and my routine went out of whack. I still haven't got it back. Glad you are still eating healthy and didn't gain any weight.

  9. Good for you Cathy...I'm the opposite during times of stress. When I'm REALLY stressed out, I stop eating. I lost weight during the time of my mom's passing and again after Matthew was diagnosed. However, once the initial stress passes, I do succumb to the temptations of bad eating habits. I've gained most of the weight I lost back and I know I need to start eating healthier again...thank you for the kick in the butt I needed!

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