An Empowered Spirit Blog Post

How I Faced My Fear on the Runway and Learned a Valuable Lesson

By Cathy Chester on November 19, 2015

I have wellness on my mind. My least favorite season is almost here and with it comes the frigid temperatures that forces me to stay indoors. The need to bundle up takes all the joy out of my daily walks. I miss the spontaneity of walking out my front door whenever the mood strikes, without the need to throw on a hat and coat, to stroll around my neighborhood and enjoy the colors of the other three seasons.

Winter puts a dent in my exercise regimen.


Wellness. That one word means many things. Good health, being mindful, a sense of wholeness, strength and vigor, staying in shape, feeling robust and having an overall sense of well-being.

Sometimes I stray from my wellness path. My meal portions get bigger and bigger. I talk myself out of exercising, and then work long hours on my computer without standing or taking a break.

Last week I tried staying focused on my eating habits. I shut down my laptop and cell phone to stroll around the block during the unusually mild November temperatures we had here in New Jersey.

I was in a fashion show for a charity near and dear to my heart: The National Multiple Sclerosis Society. When I was first asked I did what I always do before I'm about to step out of my comfort zone: I panicked. I went to try on dresses at a chic dress boutique where the owner was loaning apparel to all of the models. The styles I saw on display were stunning but, unfortunately, they were size 0 – 12.

Uh oh.

One designer offered a line perfect for my curvy figure. I found one that fit and looked nice. Now the question was how to accessorize. I turned to the community of midlife bloggers I’ve come to know and respect. They calmed my introverted nerves about walking down a runway in front of 300 women.

The number of responses I received, including quite a few back-and-forth notes, overwhelmed me. There were messages of advice and support that truly touched my heart.

Take a risk, flaunt your stuff, work that runway, turn on your smile and enjoy.

The audience cheered and applauded as I made my way up and down the runway. Their smiles and encouragement helped me begin to break free from my lifelong fear of standing up in front of a large audience. It felt liberating.

Wellness is also a state of mind. It's about embracing our bodies that are changing as we age. We may have wrinkles, brittle hair, dry skin, or a bit of weight gain. But we’re still vital, beautiful, sexy, bright, chic and full of confidence. No matter what our size, shape or abilities, always stand tall and be proud of who we are.

(NOTE: I’d like to thank two of my friends who were particularly kind and helpful in my time of sheer panic. They are amazing women who have successful fashion blogs you should check out: Still Blonde After All These Years by Shelley Zurek and Over 50 Feeling 40 by Pamela Luttrell.)

Wellness is always on my mind, but now even more since I went back to Jenny Craig.


My weekly one-on-one meeting with my consultant helps me stay on track. We discuss that it’s not about the number on the scale but about how we feel in our clothes and about ourselves.

This week I didn’t lose any weight. How could that be, I thought to myself?

I was good all week except at the fashion show. Arriving at the venue early in the morning (after eating a small breakfast due to nerves) I ate my packed carrots, Jenny snack bar and then waited for lunch. I waited and waited. And waited. Then I saw them. Tray after tray of delicious looking hors d'oeuvres that my stomach was growling for. My stomach talked me into devouring them.


Jenny Craig Anytime Bars (Photo: Jenny Craig)

My Jenny Craig consultant saw the look on my face when I stepped off the scale. My clothes were fitting better so how could that number be true? She suggested we re-take my measurements.

Success! I lost 7 inches from the time I started Jenny. I’m doing a Happy Dance!

Thank you to my wonderful Jenny consultant and to Jenny Craig for providing not only delicious meals but also for helping me move forward in my plan to look and feel as best as I can.

Yup, wellness is on my mind. I put my treadmill back up so I can still take a walk on winter days. I faced another fear on the runway and stepped out of my comfort zone. I'm eating healthier, feeling better and looking forward to reaching more of my personal goals.

Happy Winter Wellness Days to you.


DISCLOSUREI was provided a free trial program and discount on the Jenny Craig meals. As always all opinions expressed here are entirely my own.

Disclaimer: Results not typical. Members following our program lose, on average, 1-2 lbs per week

Jenny Craig just launched more than a dozen new fall foods and seasonal items and is sharing their latest offer with you! 

The new foods include, Loaded Baked Potato, Italian Style Pasta Bake, Classic Waffles, Chocolate Peppermint Cake (seasonal), Philly Cheesesteak Sandwich, Pumpkin Loaf (seasonal), Pumpkin Spice Cakes (Seasonal), Homestyle Beef Pot Roast, Classic Lasagna with Meat Sauce, Turkey & Wild Rice, Apple Crisp, Chocolate Lava Cake and the Strawberry Yogurt Anytime Bar.

You can check it all out here along with special promotions!


Cathy Chester


  1. Thanks for the mention, Cathy. I love helping women gain confidence. I bet you were amazing...I would love to have seen you on that runway. I also am so happy to see you return to Jenny. I lost right at 30 pounds with the program and, though, I am on a break at the moment, I really do miss some of the foods!! Their food is excellent. You are lovely right now and always...and I bet we see you on another runway!

  2. Love how you put facing fear and wellness in the same post! It's somehow all connected. And look how you made all those changes facing your fear of the runway. Inspiring!! Thanks for your honesty and inspiration!

  3. I'm so happy you had fun with it and for your success! I need to do more, but I just can't seem to find the time to do all that I need to. I've got a treadmill on my Christmas list so maybe I'll be able to get to work.

  4. It's interesting how different we all are. I wilt in the summer heat, and love to go out in the brisk mornings (when it's "brisk" here) for a walk. I'm sure the cold doesn't help your MS, though.

    Meanwhile, where are the pictures of you looking awesome on the runway???

  5. Good for you, Cathy! I would love to see a photo of you in the dress. In another life I produced fashion shows and events and even the most seasoned models get jitters, so bravo for your guts and spirit!

  6. Way to go Cathy!! I wish I could have seen you strutting your stuff down that runway. I'm sure you looked beautiful. xoxo

  7. Cathy, heres to reaching more of your personal goals and to your winter wellness! Whether you realize, you are a wonderful role model to many! Have a happy and healthy holiday! To a quick winter for us all. My problem is just getting from my front door to my car. I need to get out for mental health!

  8. Thank you for this Cathy. Your willingness to share your experiences are more than inspiring. You are the voice for so many people and I'm so glad that I'm able to read your words and I know that you give hope and courage to others. You're amazing!

  9. Taunting us ya rascal by telling us of your runway success. But do I see PHOTOS of you rocking the runway? Hmmm.. Dare I say how lovely it would be to see you in action. Consolation prize - pics of you on the treadmill. Yeah, you heard me. Nag nag

  10. How fun Cathy! I'm so happy that you stepped out of your comfort zone. Would loved to have seen you! I would have been sitting in the front row cheering you on my friend. xo

  11. Congratulations for conquering your fear and strutting the runway! I'm sure you looked magnificent. Would love to see a photo of beautiful you!

  12. A wellness story all around! Those dang numbers on the scale. They get us into trouble every time. I think you are focusing on all the right stuff---how you're feeling, the enjoyment of a nice walk and stepping away from your desk, the confidence of doing new things. If you cultivate that mindset, I guarantee the numbers will cease to be as much of a concern---and that's when they will begin to budge. Remember--a watched pot never boils. Maybe it's the same for a scale!

  13. Your story is very inspiring. You overcame your fear to tackle the runway, and used the experience to improve your situation. Well done! and all the best to you. Your confidence will grow with each new challenge.

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