An Empowered Spirit Blog Post

It's Time for a Quick Break So Get Ready to Smile

By Cathy Chester on November 10, 2015

It's Day 10 of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and my eyes are already cross-eyed. Trying to write 50,000 words in the month of November is a lot harder than I thought. I can't imagine how John Grisham wrote one novel every year since 1988. In my mind's eye I know what I want to write, but like Hemingway said, "There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.”

I'm bleeding all over my MacBook.


I need to take a short break and I thought we'd take one together. Let's do some stretches first. When you're ready take a seat, put your feet up and get ready. The show is about to begin.

This week I'm going to see two favorite comedy legends: Billy Crystal and David Steinberg. Here is Billy as Fernando interviewing the late Yankee owner, George Steinbrenner. You look mah-velous!

Whenever I need a good laugh Don Rickles never fails me. Here he is as he roasts the late, great Tonight Show host, Johnny Carson.

I love the movie "The Big Lebowski" and laughed my ass off at this mashup by Salon of John Goodman's Walter Sobchak trying to silence big-mouth I-can't-believe-he's-made-it-this-far-in-the-campaign Donald Trump. It would be pure Nirvana if Walter succeeded.

And now the time is drawing near when break time will be over. With writing back on my mind I thought I'd share how author John Irving sets his creative schedule.

To help me say good-bye to you here's some help from one of my favorite movies.

What do you do when you need to take a short break?





Cathy Chester


  1. Did I ever tell you about the time Pete and I went to see Don Rickles and he pulled Pete up on the stage? It was funny but poor Pete, I thought he was going to pass out. Nonetheless, Don always makes me laugh. I hope things are going well with NaNoWriMo!

  2. I love this idea of a break, Cathy! And I listen to music. And try to work with it - but sometimes I just need to walk away from the laptop and turn on the TV. Or take a walk. if the weather ever lets me again!!!

  3. Oh, what a wonderful break you offered me! Thank you! Billy Crystal never fails to make me laugh, and I love Rickles joke to Ed Sullivan about "you'd better move your body or they're going to dump dirt on you." And as much as I enjoyed watching the Irving clip and sang right along with the VonTrapp children, that Donny mash up was the BEST!

    As far as my break you can guess, it usually involves a puppy. 🙂

  4. I have a video of my daughter at 5 performing the entire Sound of Music by herself trying to avoid bedtime. Loved your piece on breaks. I'm taking a break at work now by reading blogs!

  5. The sun just came out on a very gloomy day. Thanks for providing me with a good laugh. It makes it so much easier going back to my soup making. xo Mom

  6. Thanks for the break! I love Billy Crystal in everything he does! Fernando was a favorite character of mine too. I love watching late night talk shows because of the comedic break it gives me. I don't have to think about anything!

  7. LOL All great clips. I needed that laugh tonight. I try to have a good laugh at least once a day. This was my once so thank you lol

  8. I feel your pain with NaNoWriMo. I found these clips very entertaining. Billy Crystal and Don Rickles are two of my favorite comedians, from way back. I remember when Billy was Jody on Mary Hartman (i think that's the name of the show).

  9. My mother took me to the Latin Casino to see Don Rickles when I was 13. It was the first time I ever heard so many cuss words at one time. I was mortified when he yelled at my mother for bringing me and telling her I would be scarred for life.
    I love everything about the Sound of Music.
    Thank you for this wonderful break.

  10. Hi Cathy,
    I love Billy Crystal too. I saw your question on Twitter. Thank you for retweeting my post for me. The answer is yes, a follower is a subscriber.
    By the way, three people inspired my post I wrote today, and you were one of them. Here is the link if you haven't read it already. Thank you for the inspiration.

  11. I know I'm always delayed in responding. However Sound of Music is one of my all time favorite movies and the Broadway show as well!

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