An Empowered Spirit Blog Post

How Jenny Craig Helped Me On Christmas Day

By Cathy Chester on December 26, 2013

The Jenny Craig program has been good for me after my first two weeks.  I’ve already lost a few pounds by eating their pre-planned meals, listening to the advice of my consultant and beginning a mindful approach toward eating.

But last week's question, “Am I crazy to start a diet before the holidays?” still looms large for me. In our family, December 25 is a double whammy – Herbmas (Dad’s 86th birthday) and Christmas.

This day was going to be a challenge.

Happy Herbmas More Desserts - Jenny CraigIt all started out fine. I ate my Jenny breakfast along with a small apple, coffee and several glasses of water to fill me up.  I worked out a healthy eating plan, in my mind, before we left for our party because I knew there would be lots of tempting food that might derail my diet.

Jenny Craig Breakfast Scramble

Jenny Craig's Breakfast Scramble

My goals of weight loss and feeling healthy are important to me, and I wanted to be mindful of those goals.

We left for the party, and when we arrived at my brother’s house there was food as far as the eye could see.  Not only were we going to be treated to delicacies such as smoked salmon, whitefish and fresh bagels, but also to his girlfriend’s luscious-looking ham.

The table was set for 18 guests, and every inch of it was covered with some holiday delicacy just begging to be eaten.

It was going to be a true test of my willpower.  When it comes to food, willpower hasn’t always been my forte.

I was glad I arrived somewhat satisfied, and avoided doing what I usually do.  Grabbing pieces of this food or that and sticking them into my mouth “for just a little taste.”

Those little tastes always add up to a higher daily caloric intake than I should have. I want to keep the pounds I’d taken off….off!

When it was time to sit down and eat, I followed what I planned out that morning.  I put a pile of vegetables on my plate, along with half a plain bagel, a piece of lox and a smidgeon of whitefish. (They are fish - okay a bit saltier than I should have- but they are healthy Omega's right?)

Then it was time for dessert.  Uh oh.

Herbmas Desserts and Weight Loss Jenny Craig

The fruit salad my husband prepared looked tiny (and lonely) compared to all of the other desserts being offered.

Being a chocoholic, this part of the meal was going to be my most difficult battle.

I tried to repeat to myself that later I’d have my delicious Jenny Craig Triple Chocolate Cheesecake to look forward to, making Friday’s weigh-in a happy time for me.

When the desserts were cleared, I felt proud of myself that I skipped dessert.  But I still felt hungry.

When my nephew sat down next to me eating a plate of bagel chips, they looked yummy. So what did I do? I got my own small plate, thinking what harm could come from eating them?

After eating the last one, I wondered if I should have opted for more fruit salad instead.

Being on a weight loss plan is not only about losing weight, but it's also about being mindful of what you are eating.  That includes knowing how to stay full by making smart food choices instead of filling up on empty calories.

When I go to my Jenny appointment tomorrow, I will thank my consultant for her sound advice, discuss the challenges I faced during the week, and plan the week ahead with her, including New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day.

Losing weight and feeling healthy are two goals I’m serious about.  So was I crazy to start a diet over the holidays?  I'll keep you posted!

*I received a free month on the Jenny Craig program and food products.  There was no compensation.  All opinions are solely my own.  NOTE: Members following the Jenny Craig program lose, on average, 1 -2 lbs. per week.

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Cathy Chester


  1. Yay, Cathy! Good for you! I seem to have taken a 2 week break, and have to admit I feel way better when I stay on it. The holidays are a major challenge! Good luck with your weigh-in, and here's to success!

  2. Good for you, Cathy! You showed admirable restraint yesterday. You should be very proud and I hope you are happy with your weigh-in tomorrow.

  3. Spot on about mindfulness. I find it easy to prepare food and eat mindfully while in my own environs, but going out or going to homes of my friends/family, well it makes mindfulness more challenging.

    Glad that JC is helping you out so!

  4. Exactly, Lori. Therein lies the mindfulness. When we go out to dinner or to a party. It's very challenging!

    Thanks so much for reading my post and leaving your thoughts.


  5. Cathy, I think it's awesome that you're doing this during the holidays! If you can do it now (and you are!), you can keep doing it. Be proud of yourself--most people won't even think about starting until next week!

  6. Hi Cathy! I agree with Lynne ARE an inspiration. I must confess that I usually just tell myself I will waiting until the holidays are over before I even consider a diet. And even though you did indulge a bit...just your constant attention to the idea (and with Jenny whispering in your ear) you made progress! You should be very proud and are well on your way to achieving your goal! ~Kathy

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