An Empowered Spirit Blog Post

Learning To Embrace Your Age: I'm Turning 55 And I Don't Care Who Knows It

By Cathy Chester on February 4, 2014

At the end of this week I'll be turning 55 years old.

Aging Birthdays

FIFTY FIVE. Double nickels.  Rounding up to 60. But alive, yes alive, YES ALIVE!

Yes, that's right.  I am not afraid to shout to the rooftops how old I am.

Birthdays Aging 55

Ever since I was a little girl I've loved celebrating birthdays. Anyone and everyone's. Because birthdays always feel so special.  They're about joy and a celebration of life.

Birthday Kindergarten Age

My kindergarten picture - 1965

I've never been able to understand why some women feel the need to hide their age.  Why? What's the point?  Is it vanity? Do they want to stop aging? (Hmm, what's the opposite of that?) Do they think there's a Fountain of Youth they'll discover by not admitting how old they are?

It's all so ridiculous.

We are who we are, and whether or not you admit your age, there is nothing you can do about it.  Life will always move on.

So embrace who you are, and be proud of it.

I've loved every stage of my life, but I'd never want to go back to being a teen, twenty or thirty years old again.  Been there, done that.

It's time for the next chapter.  The next experience, next lesson, next thing to learn, to cherish, to lose or to gain.

Life is all about moving on and being ready for what lies ahead. 

As part of my birthday celebration, I've always enjoyed reminiscing about what's happened on the day of my birth, such as past birthday parties, famous people born that day, and events that occurred.

Age Birthdays

Shirley MacLaine and her daughter appeared on the cover of LIFE Magazine the day after I was born. Jack Lemmon shares my birthday.

Everyone who knows me knows that I'm wild about the world of entertainment.  So it's fun knowing that I share my special day with two actors I greatly admire: Jack Lemmon and James Dean.  The successful writer, John Grisham, was also born on the same day. Perhaps his writing magic will rub off on me. Hmm.

Age Birthdays

 I also get a kick out of paging through my book, What a Year it Was! (Beverly Cohn, MMS Publishing, 1998) to see what was going on in the world in 1959.

Age Birthdays

Age Birthdays

Don't you love the "datable" information?  Too funny.

When it's your turn to celebrate your birthday, remember that it's a gift to be another year older.  Who cares how many candles are on your cake?  It matters more how you live your life in between each birthday celebration.

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Cathy Chester


  1. Congratulations on turning 55! Life is a gift and its wonderful when we can embrace every day. I just turned 56 and feel no need to hide my age. I am lucky to be alive, happy to greet each day and plan on celebrating life. We have the luxury of creating our lives now around what we want and our own happiness. What a beautiful thing to be in our 50's and happy !

  2. Hi Cathy! Happy Birthday! I so agree that any reason to celebrate is good for me. And I too find it hard to imagine why so many people (women AND men) find it hard to celebrate their birthday. I am incredibly grateful to have experienced all the amazing twists and turns my life has taken and I am optimistic about all the twists and turns to come. May your birthday be filled with amazing, happy and interesting experiences! ~Kathy

  3. This is great! I'll be 50 in June and don't give a hoot who knows. Funny thing is, I've forever had to fight to belong at the "big kid table" as since becoming a mother at a young age, I've lived a life that's far older than my years. I've welcomed getting older as it makes it a little easier fitting in.

    YAY for double nickels for you! Happy birthday in advance!

  4. Happy birthday to someone whose glass is always half full. Your spirit truly is empowered! So happy to call you my friend.

  5. Wishing you a Happy Birthday a bit early. I agree we need to celebrate not hide our age. I do think we still hang on to the ladies don't tell their age mentality of old.
    I share my birthday with David Cassidy and David Letterman.

    Thanks for sharing

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