An Empowered Spirit Blog Post

New Jersey Speaker Series: How Madeleine Albright Made Me Laugh

By Cathy Chester on October 13, 2014

Over the next few months I will be attending and writing about The New Jersey Speaker Series, an inaugural series of talks produced by Fairleigh Dickinson University. The impressive list of speakers are Madeleine Albright, Alan Alda, Steve Wozniak, Olympia Snowe, David Gergen, David McCullough and Dan Rather, each influential voices in today's world.

New Jersey Speaker Series Madeleine Albright

Photo Credit: Playbill, New Jersey Speaker Series (Fairleigh Dickinson University)

Here's Part One: An evening with Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. 

From time to time we have pre-conceived notions about people. As much as we try not to, we do. Last week while I was on my way to hear Madeleine Albright speak, I feared that her presentation might be dull and boring. After all, talking about sanctions against Iraq or the American policy in Bosnia is certainly interesting and educational, but it can also be very dry.

I couldn’t have been more wrong.

Madeleine Albright

Photo Credit: New Jersey Speaker Series, Fairleigh Dickinson University; Portrait by Timothy Greenfiield-Sanders

Like any good comedian speaker, she warmed up the audience with a great story:

To the announcer, “Thank you for telling everybody who I am. Not everybody always knows. (Laughter) Not long ago I was coming back from China, and Chicago was the first port of entry, and as I was getting undressed for the security people (laughter) one of the guards noticed me and said, ‘Oh, my gosh it’s you.’ (Laughter)

Then he went on to say, ‘I’m from Bosnia, and if it weren’t for you in Bosnia there wouldn’t be a Bosnia and you are always welcome back to Bosnia.' Then we had our picture taken and it screwed up the whole line. (Laughter)

Then I go back to get my stuff and the lady who was in back of me said, ‘So what exactly happened here?’ and I told her I used to be Secretary of State and she said, ‘Of Bosnia?'”

(Big laughter)

Madeleine Albright's biography tells an incredible tale: The first female Secretary of State. Fled with her family from Prague during the Nazi invasion and again years later from the Communists. Received various degrees from Wellesley College, Johns Hopkins and Columbia University. Worked on Edmund Muskie’s campaign that led to an appointment as The National Security Council’s liaison during the Carter White House. Worked as a Democratic Party foreign policy advisor and briefed Vice Presidential and Presidential candidates Geraldine Ferraro and Michael Dukakis. Appointed as Ambassador to the United Nations. Awarded The Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Obama.

It’s clear from this condensed biography that an entire post (or more) could easily be devoted to writing about Dr. Albright’s stellar career, her policies and positions on national and global affairs, or about the fascinating life she’s lead. But I’ll leave that to her by directing you to two of the many books she’s written: “Madam Secretary: A Memoir” and “Prague Winter: A Personal Story of Remembrance and War (1937 – 1948).”

Instead I’ll focus on Madeleine Albright the woman, because as I thought about her presentation and candid answers to the audiences’ questions, I realized what a powerful advocate she is for woman’s rights. She's an outstanding example for women on the importance of speaking their minds and believing in themselves.

Story One: Albright told the story of the first time she entered The White House as Secretary of State. While walking into that glorious house it occurred to her that the portraits hanging on the walls collectively had one major difference between them: whether the subjects wore a beard or not. She hoped that one day that would change to the difference being whether the subjects wore heels or not.

Story Two: Soon after she was married Albright had twin daughters and, as she said, “I tried to figure out how to be a good mother, because as every mother here knows, every woman’s middle name is Guilt. When you’re home you wish you were working, and if you’re working you wish you were home. In my case I was lucky to have jobs with a great deal of responsibility when my children were older. They were taking care of me.

Once, as my daughter was taking care of my bills she called me and said, 'Mom, did you really need those pair of shoes?'

I’m often asked about the balance issue, and I don’t think there is any (one) answer. Everyone has to develop their own answer, realize that it’s very difficult, and people are judgmental on what we’ve chosen. The hardest were the judgments that other women made on me. We have to be nicer to each other and be more respectful of our choices.

For me, everything about women and in life is about CHOICE.”

Story Three: Dr. Albright owns a large collection of costume jewelry including many pins. Her pins are an extension of how she's feeling on a given day. On a good day she'll wear a butterfly; on a bad one a bug.

On a trip with President Clinton to visit Russian President Vladimir Putin, a leader she openly dislikes, Albright decided to wear her monkey pin. President Putin noticed it, and knowing that her pins represented an unspoken Albright thought, he asked President Clinton why she was wearing a monkey. Never one to hold back, Albright quickly blurted out, “Because I think your policy in Chechnya is evil.” Putin was furious, President Clinton looked at her “like I was out of my mind and I was in trouble.”

Story Four: When her time at The White House was over, she thought it would be a difficult transition for her to leave. (Sound like Empty Nest Syndrome?) But she quickly learned that leaving was a chance for a fresh start to try something new. She began to teach, write, “and listen, and I refuse to ever be silent because we all need to speak out and have the moral courage to face the issues of the day.”

By the end of the evening the audience and I got to know "the real" Madeleine Albright. She is funny, outspoken, intelligent, savvy, sometimes controversial, always honest, and ever mindful of the lessons her parents taught her.

"Never take liberty, freedom or the greatness of America for granted." I am sure they’d be proud of the accomplishments of their exceptional daughter.


Cathy Chester


  1. Fantastic. I would have not expected this. I particularly like her statement that we have to be nicer and more respectful to each other. Amen Madame Secretary.

  2. Oh I loved this! I have always had tremendous respect for her....thanks for giving me more of her background and a window into her personality. I think this entire series will be an incredible experience for you...and your readers!

  3. So admire Madeleine Albright. Have read two of her books. She is a very strong woman with all she went through in her personal and professional life. The speaker series sounds amazing. Can't wait to read your future posts.

  4. What a wonderful opportunity to hear her speak. I had heard about the pins and have always thought that was a wonderful thing. I started to collect pins but don't wear them in the same way she does - to make a statement. What a great lady she must be.

  5. Looks like a brilliant series. She is an amazing person with so many accomplishments and you captured her stories so well I feel I was almost in attendance!

  6. She sounds like a great speaker in addition to being an inspirational role model for all of us. Like you, I wouldn't have expected her to have such a good sense of humor. This is such an awesome speaker series and I'm so glad you're getting to meet these luminaries!

  7. Cathy I loved this post! I am a big fan of the Former Secretary of State. I love her airport story. So excited for you that you are attending these events and excited for me that I get to read about them!

  8. I granddaughter was named in part for Madeleine Albright...Madeleine Anna...of all the women I could have thought to name her after, Albright would have been at the top of the list. I wish I could have been a mouse in your pocket!

    Lucky you Cathy...the series you are privileged to hear sounds wonderful.


  9. I think only you could relay the 'person' behind anything, as you have done here. Aside from influencing my limited opinion about this woman, it occurs to me that you are the most human person I know. Lucky me, and all of these people that you will be writing about.

  10. I agree with the other comments, excellent post that gives a wonderful synopsis of of the talk and lets us see a bit of the personal side of Mrs Albright.. Thank you for sharing.

  11. I've only watched from a distance as her legend evolves, but I'm fascinated to see what new tidbits (and personalizing details) will emerge in the years yet to come. I really enjoyed your piece--thank you for your insight, and also for inspiring an ever-deepening curiosity 🙂

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