An Empowered Spirit Blog Post

World MS Day: Four Simple Ways To Make A Difference

By Cathy Chester on May 30, 2017

Do you have Multiple Sclerosis? Do you know someone who does? Are you interested in doing something that will help spread awareness about MS while making a difference in people's lives?


Wednesday is World MS Day, a day to join a global campaign to talk about MS. Share a story about yourself, a loved one or perhaps someone you don't even know. Become part of a community who are showing their support of the 2.3 million people worldwide who are living with this incurable disease. I'll show you how.

The theme for World MS Day 2017 is "Life with MS."

[ctt template="5" link="6n4YF" via="yes" ]Read my new post 2 learn what U can do 2 spread awareness about #MultipleSclerosis for #WorldMSDay #LifewithMS @MSF @Novartis[/ctt]

Here are some quick and easy ways to get involved:

Share - Create a video and tell a story. Spread the word about World MS Day on social media. Use the hashtag #LifewithMS on Twitter and Facebook. Share solutions, coping mechanisms, experiences, how to stay positive, or how you made a positive difference in the life of someone with MS. Who knows? What you share might make a positive impact on someone in need.

This short video offers examples of what others shared.

Tools - Go to the World MS Day website to find resources such as social media shareables and cover images, banners, logos and more.


Photo Credit:


Photo Credit: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation

Wear orange: Orange is the symbolic color for Multiple Sclerosis awareness. Wear it to show your support. Then take a photo and share it! On May 31st let's make orange go viral.


Photo Credit: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation

Photo Credit: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation

Community: You can plan an event with family, friends, neighbors and members of your community. Or think about calling someone living with MS to tell them how much you care about them. Perhaps text loved ones to thank them for their support during your MS struggles. You can even find a World MS Day event in your area.

I encourage you to take part in World MS Day 2017. You can make a difference in the lives of millions of people. One small act at a time.

"No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted." ~Aesop 




Cathy Chester


  1. I will share this important information. Thank you as always for spreading awareness about MS to the broader community. You are an amazing resource!

  2. You are a great advocate for MS awareness and education. I will be wearing orange and checking in with my favorite cousin who had a rough winter with her MS this year. Thanks for the reminder Cathy!

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The mission of this blog is to encourage those with MS, to educate the world on what MS is and isn’t, and to help those with MS live a joyful and empowered life.
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