An Empowered Spirit Blog Post

The Lessons We Learned From MS, COVID, and Each Other

By Cathy Chester on December 13, 2021

Welcome back to An Empowered Spirit! I'm so happy you're here.

After taking a break from blogging for nine months I'm back and it feels wonderful being here with you.

The past two years have been so crazy that we all needed a break of one sort or another, don't you think? Sometimes it feels like we're living in a Robin Cook novel.

cat with big green eyes hiding under a blanket

Wake me when it's over!

One of the lessons we learned from the pandemic is how crucial it is to have a safe place to be nurtured and cared for when the world feels cold and out of control.

After I was diagnosed with MS many years ago, I searched for the best ways to cope with my new reality. It took a while, but I started finding answers to what I needed. When I created An Empowered Spirit, I wanted to share these insights with you on what helped me feel less lonely and afraid. The most important first step was finding the right...


There's magic and power in finding the right community, where people feel safe to tell their stories and share their feelings. The right community can offer unconditional support and comfort, and when you find that it feels damn good.

multiple sclerosis community

The power of community is the comfort and unconditional support you find with others

This year marks the tenth anniversary of An Empowered Spirit! A lot has changed in the MS landscape since 2011. What hasn't changed is my continued commitment to being a reliable source for you for all things MS!

To celebrate our anniversary we've updated An Empowered Spirit thanks to a generous grant from the HealtheVoices Impact Fund. I'm deeply grateful to HealtheVoices and Janssen for their continued support and generosity.

Multiple Sclerosis Blog Anniversary 2021

When I received the grant it was the nudge I needed. I'd been feeling burnt out from blogging, lost, and wondering what I should do next. HealtheVoices unknowingly pushed me into the "stop overthinking everything and just do it" mode.

So I'm getting off my tush to move in new and different directions for the next ten (+) years.

Like Michael Fox recently said about his journey with Parkinson's, it gets tiring to constantly make lemonade out of lemons. I quite agree. At this point in my life, I see a lot of things about life and MS differently, so I'll be focusing on topics with a fresh perspective. What will they be?

Wait and see!
I'm busy planning new content to serve your needs, in creative. inspiring, and informative ways.

In return, I'd appreciate constructive suggestions or thoughts on what you're interested in hearing about. You can leave a comment below or reach out via the contact page.

What's new on An Empowered Spirit:

The new design of the blog reflects my love of every type of flower. They are beautiful and thrive despite adversity, just like the MS community.

Sixteen peony bushes are part of nature and this blog

My father planted sixteen peony bushes along our driveway. Here they are for your viewing pleasure.

“Like wildflowers, you must allow yourself to grow in all the places people thought you never would.” – E.V. 

Cathy Chester - MS Advocate - New Blog Header

CLICK on the HOME, ABOUT, MS RESOURCES, PRESS, and CONTACT buttons located at the top of the page to find exactly what you need.

"Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars." ~ Khalil Gibran

Disability and multiple sclerosis accessibility tool

NEW! An accessibility tool is located on the top left corner of every page to make pages more usable for you.

My mission continues to be to empower, inspire, and educate the multiple sclerosis and disability community, and their loved ones.

Now onto a special SURPRISE to start the celebration! Here's my first interview to christen the new blog. Drumroll, please...

After being interviewed twice by MS advocate, actor, voiceover artist, writer, and rapper Damian Washington I turned the tables on him. I chose Damian because he's smart, savvy, and very funny.

As Damian says, if you have to live with an incurable disease you may as well hang out with the cool kids.  He's definitely a cool kid.

Damian soared to the top of the advocacy game at warp speed and recently won TWO awards from WEGO Health: Hilarious Patient Leader and Best in Show: YouTube. Let me know what you think about our conversation.


With a party hat on and a grateful heart, thank you for helping us begin the next chapter of An Empowered Spirit in the best way possible: together. I've been enriched and inspired by your company and hope to see you return again and again.

END NOTE: Thanks again to HealtheVoices for your leadership program that supports the work of online health advocates. Your dedication and commitment to us are deeply appreciated.



Cathy Chester


    1. Oh, thanks so much, Claudia! I love that you're my first commenter because you've always been a leading supporter of mine, and a great friend. Happiest of holidays to you and your family. xo Cathy

  1. Cathy! LOVE what you've done with the place! I'm a gardener too, so the flower analogies have particular resonance 🙂 The warmth and empathy in your writing ooze off the page and make me feel nurtured and calm just from reading the words. Here's to another ten years of Cathy being the wind beneath our wings, gently lifting our spirits over the rainbow to find peace, love, and happiness. There's no place like home 🙂

    1. Oh, Kim. My old and dear friend! Thanks for your very kind words. I worked so hard on the update and you helped me feel that it was all worth the effort. Even Covid wasn't going to keep us down!

      I'm grateful for your friendship and comforted by your presence here. Thanks, dear one.


  2. Kathy, it's so great to have you back. I loved your interview with Damian. You are an inspiration to so many. Blessings! Love, "Bo"

    1. Bo,

      You are so gracious and completely wonderful. I deeply appreciate your ongoing friendship and wish you all the best now and always.

      Happy holidays! With love, Cathy

  3. So great to see you in these spaces. Welcome back, Cathy! Hope you’re doing well. I love your writing and I’m glad to see you on your blog again!

    1. Miriam,

      How wonderful to hear from you! It's been a long time. Thank you for your kind words.

      Happy and healthy new year to you and yours. Hope you are well.

      Best always~

  4. Congratulations on An Empowered Spirit's 10 year anniversary...WELL DONE CATHY! The blog is beautiful! Sending you a world of good wishes and positivity for another 10 years of sharing your knowledge, kindness, inspiration and heart with so many. Thank you for being you:)
    Big hug dear friend. xo

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The mission of this blog is to encourage those with MS, to educate the world on what MS is and isn’t, and to help those with MS live a joyful and empowered life.
This blog and the information contained here is not meant to be, and is not a substitute for, medical advice. If you are wondering if you have MS, or have questions related to the signs and symptoms of MS, please contact your physician.
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