An Empowered Spirit Blog Post

I Need Your Votes To Help Me Continue My Mission Of Ability Despite Disability

By Cathy Chester on December 5, 2014

I've been overwhelmed by the tremendous support I've received since announcing AN EMPOWERED SPIRIT's nomination for BEST HEALTH BLOG by Healthline. I've heard from so many caring people who truly believe in my mission. Thank you!



But I need your VOTES for AN EMPOWERED SPIRIT to win. Winning allows me to reach more audiences as I write about disability, focusing on our abilities despite living with chronic illness.


You can vote two ways: Type AN EMPOWERED SPIRIT in the search box. Or CLICK on VOTE (which will continue to appear as #3 as long as I stay #3!)


Winning is what health websites notice when I submit my work for publication, when I apply for a speaking engagement, or when I write to someone in need. 

Now through January 15 you can vote every 24 hours, either using your Facebook or Twitter account, or both!  (CLICK HERE TO VOTE)

Competition is stiff!! A doctor is in 1st place. Can you imagine how many votes he's getting from patients AND staff? Oy.

Simply CLICK on any of the icons you see on this post, or CLICK on the Healthline badge located on the top right-hand side of this blog.

I appreciate your friendship, your dedication to my mission and your ongoing support of my work.

Please help me spread the word by sharing this post or tweeting it on Twitter!

[Tweet "Vote for An Empowered Spirit in Best Blog Contest for @Healthline @cathyches #multiplesclerosis"]

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Thank you.



Cathy Chester


  1. Wishing you lots of luck Cathy. I hope you win. I also shared this on my personal and business FB. Pages as well as Twitter.

    I understand the value of social media as I too am trying to spread the word about Kneeotech through Social Media. It is a struggle and every "like" "share" "Tweet" is helpful. Feel free to do the same for me, your help is always appreciated.

    Evolve always, J

  2. I've been voting every day, Cathy! You so deserve this and I really hope you win. That doctor doesn't have a chance ...

  3. I am all over this one Cathy! I so understand that people pay attention to this stuff when evaluating health bloggers!!! Running off to promote!!! Go! Go! Go, you!

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The mission of this blog is to encourage those with MS, to educate the world on what MS is and isn’t, and to help those with MS live a joyful and empowered life.
This blog and the information contained here is not meant to be, and is not a substitute for, medical advice. If you are wondering if you have MS, or have questions related to the signs and symptoms of MS, please contact your physician.
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