An Empowered Spirit Blog Post

Our Love Is Here To Stay: Happy 61st Anniversary

By Cathy Chester on March 24, 2013

 "Life is the flower for which love is the honey." ~Victor Hugo

In life, there is nothing as important as making a lasting commitment to someone you love.  George Gershwin said it best:

 "The radio and the telephone
And the movies that we know
May just be passing fancies,
And in time may go!

But, oh, my dear,
Our love is here to stay." ~Our Love is Here to Stay

Yesterday my parents celebrated their 61st wedding anniversary.  I tip my hat to them for the love, respect, and commitment they've shared over the years.  They endured for a straightforward reason: love.  

Mom and Dad

Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad!

Our family is doubly blessed.  My in-laws were married one week before my parents.  They endured for the same reason as my parents.

Mom and Dad Chester

Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad Chester

Happy 61st anniversary to all of you.  You have set an extraordinary example for your children and grandchildren.  We are blessed to learn from your example.  Happy Days.




Cathy Chester


  1. Hi Cathy,

    Mazel Tov to all! What a beautiful picture of your parents!

    Love to everyone. Cookie and Irwin

  2. That is so wonderful to see especially in these times when divorce is so common. And so extra special that their anniversaries are that close together. Hope they get to see many more!

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