An Empowered Spirit Blog Post

How I'm Trying To Practice Mindfulness in 2014: Are You Mindful About What You Eat?

By Cathy Chester on January 21, 2014

The best way to capture moments is to pay attention. This is how we cultivate mindfulness. Mindfulness means being awake. It means knowing what you are doing.” ~Jon Kabat-Zinn, Wherever You Go,There You Are: Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life


I promised myself that in 2014 I'd try to be more mindful of all that I do by noticing the important and not so important moments that make up my life.

I also want to become more mindful of what I put into my mouth. Mindfulness includes mindful eating, and does not include mindlessly stuffing my face with food whenever I feel hungry. I want to be aware of what I eat, and how I will eat it. Focusing on that will help me feel and look better.

I want to chew every bite more slowly and not rush through my meal.  I need to take time to notice the feel and texture of my food, and eat until I feel satisfied and not stuffed. That is mindful eating.  

As I try to practice mindfulness, I find it's not as easy as I thought.  My mind becomes cluttered with random thoughts that try to distract me from my goal.

Mindful Coffee

The first cup of coffee with social media for breakfast

My days feel like I'm living in the movie Groundhog Day.  My mornings always begin the same way: I wake up, grab my laptop, make coffee, check emails and all of social media, answer emails and comments, read others' posts. leave comments, share posts, read articles, begin writing my own articles and, finally, posting them. 

Then I make my breakfast.

Being on the Jenny Craig plan continues to make my life easier by knowing exactly what I'm going to eat every day.  Truthfully, I've been on a few many diets in my life, and Jenny's cuisine is by far the tastiest and most satisfying.    

For me the real test for eating mindfully begins when it's time to supplement my Jenny Craig meals.  I choose fresh fruits and vegetables, drink plenty of water and, of course, there's my coffee.  I add soy creamer from Trader Joe's to it. It's low in fat, sugar and calories.

Eating Mindfully

I said it before and I'll say it again - thank goodness for Trader Joe's!

I admit, I also have a soy latte from Starbucks at least once a week.

But this week that wasn't a problem because I added in more exercise, and burning up calories helps when it's time to step onto the scale. I practiced being mindful while I exercised, focusing on using different muscle groups as I moved around.

During my Jenny Craig consultation we discussed the difficulties of finding an exercise program I am able to do. After our discussion we agreed on a walking plan to suit my specific needs

I took several walks with my husband, trying to keep up to his fast pace.  I'm sure, privately, he's thinks it's his slow pace. But since he's always in my corner, he's never said a word.

Jenny Craig Consultant Mindfulness

Everyone at Jenny Craig is so helpful and supportive

My week of mindful eating ended on a high note as I stepped onto the dreaded scale.

(Drumroll, please.)

I lost another pound and a half!  I was thrilled.  And ready to tackle another week of mindful eating and mindful living.

Do you practice mindful living?

*I received a free month on the Jenny Craig program and a discount on their food for this review.  There was no monetary compensation.  All opinions are solely my own.  NOTE: Clients following the Jenny Craig program lose, on average, 1 -2 lbs. per week.

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Cathy Chester


  1. That's great. I'm trying to eat less processed food and reduce my fat/sugar intake...where I need to work harder and intentionally is in adding exercise! I know it's a great thrill to see the pounds melt away-congratulations.

  2. Fabulous, Cathy! Keep keepin' on! I started my mindful eating habits last year--gave up most dairy products and processed food. Feeling much better. Now, if I could only give up my coffee and chocolate--but one's gotta live, right?

  3. Cathy,
    I am happy for your mindful eating and weight loss but was disappointed in your food choice. Please look at the ingredient lists in the food at Jenny Craig. They are filled with unhealthy ingredients. Weight loss is great but putting healthy foods into your body is more important. If you would like any advice you can always count on me.

  4. That's wonderful! Good for you.

    I like the idea of mindfulness in life, but there are too many stretches of too much to juggle sometimes. My Tuesday schedule alone with exercise/work/carpool/choir/piano/orchestra etc. is enough to wear me out just thinking about it. Oddly, mindfulness only works for me if it becomes a habit.

  5. I am working on mindful living for 2014 too. As far as eating I'm trying to eliminate processed foods and gluten. So far I am not off to a great start...
    You on the other hand are doing great, Congratulations!!

  6. Very true and relevant. I laughed at your praise of Trader Joe's. Gotta love that store!! :). I also related to your comment about your hubby walking faster. My hubby always walks faster than I do!! He's so patient with me!! (Sort of!). Anyway, as I'm writing this comment, I'm becoming mindful that I'm rambling. I will be mindful today of my eating too. I tend to eat way too fast. Thanks for another wonderful post, Cathy!

  7. Cathy,
    You are so right. Mindfulness should be a way of life for all of us. I find, that having a little one does keep me mindful and in the moment; the place I need to most focus on is mindful eating. Thanks for the reminder and congratulations on dropping some holiday poundage.

  8. Ah, mindfulness. I am starting an advanced yoga class soon, and mindfulness will be a big part of it. I find it very difficult to relax or slow down. Huge challenge!

  9. Woo hoo! Congrats on the loss!

    I'm horrible about mindfulness in all ways. And when it comes to eating, I'm only mindful in the way that if I have a mind to eat something, I do... without thinking twice. Horrible, I know, especially for my already too large bloggy butt and belly.

  10. I've been trying something I read on a blog last week. I am an incredibly fast eater - my entire plate of food can be gone in less than ten minutes without me thinking twice about what I'm eating. The blogger suggested not going for another forkful of food until you've finished chewing. It does help me think more about what I am eating and hopefully in the long run I will eat less.

    Good luck on your journey.

  11. I'm trying to be more mindful of what I eat too. I love soy lattes from Starbucks as well, and I almost don't want to know how much fat or sugar is in them, because they taste so good. I'll check out Trader Joe's soy milk. Thanks for the great tips!

  12. I know that if I don't live a "mindful" life days and weeks can slip away unnoticed. I am 72 and living each day to it fullest is a goal. It is much too late to waste a day. So I try to pay attention to my diet, my friends and my family.

    Thank you for the reminder.


  13. What is this Trader Joe's that I keep hearing everyone talk about. I'm guessing we don't have that in Canada. Or I've never seen one.

    Congrats on working hard to live a healthier life. With the way society is today, it's definitely an uphill battle. I'm doing exactly what you describe - trying to savour every bite, eating slowly, thinking about what I am eating. I'm there with you, even if I'm not "there with you", if you know what I'm sayin' LOL.

  14. You're doing great, Cathy! Remember, baby steps will get you to your goal. It's not about dieting, it's more about changing your attitude, and it sounds as if you are making great strides. (I'll join you for that Soy weakness).

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