An Empowered Spirit Blog Post

Random Acts of Kindness for Caregivers During National Caregivers Month

By Cathy Chester on November 16, 2015

November is National Caregivers Month, a time to recognize the often-overlooked dedication of over 40 million unpaid U.S. caregivers who provide care for a family member or friend. Most caregivers are not medical professionals. They are caring and compassionate people who are responsible for the physical and emotional needs of someone struggling with the tasks of daily living.


We are either caregivers, have a caregiver or know of one. Their role is an important one both functionally and economically. We recognize that their responsibilities can be rewarding, exhausting, confusing or frustrating. Many are boomer women sandwiched in between the needs of their parents and children while continuing to be a part of the work force. Their role is not an easy one.

During the month of November it's important for us to recognize the hard work and dedication of all caregivers. They deserve our gratitude and thanks.

That’s why AARP created a community where caregivers can connect with experts and other caregivers to find valuable information and tools to help them take care of themselves.


Engagement photo, 1987. My husband takes on the role of caregiver as my MS changes with age. He sees us as a team and takes care of me when I need it. With a smile on his face he makes sure I continue to be as healthy as possible. I feel blessed to be his wife. This week we'll be celebrating our 27th wedding anniversary!

The Ad Council, in conjunction with AARP, is trying to raise awareness for the Caregiver Assistance campaign. This year they are kicking off a program designed to encourage all Americans to perform an unexpected ‘Random Act of Kindness’ for a caregiver.

By starting a nationwide movement their aim is to raise awareness of caregiving and caregivers while also directly reaching caregivers. It is their hope that this campaign will help alleviate some of the daily stresses caregivers face and reward them for their ongoing support.

Here’s how you can take part in Random Acts of Kindness for Caregivers:

Want to share this important campaign on social media? Here are some sample tweets:

  • [Tweet ""There are many ways to give a Random Act of Kindness to a caregiver, no matter how big or small. #BeKindtoCaregivers @AARP""]
  • Do you know someone caring for a family member or friend? Surprise them with a Random Act of Kindness! #BeKindtoCaregivers" @AARP
  • Every caregiver deserves a Random Act of Kindness, they work SO hard! Show them some love #BeKindtoCaregivers @AARP

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post on behalf of Element Associates and Midlife Boulevard.


Cathy Chester


  1. I'm so glad there is a campaign to recognize caregivers. I agree that their contributions are too often overlooked. Great photo of you and Gary! You are blessed to have such a caring, compassionate husband just as he is to have you! Happy Anniversary.

  2. Great piece Cathy and I love your photo! Happy Anniversary I hope you have a fun week! Caregiving is probably the toughest job that you will every have. I love this campaign and mine will be up on Wednesday!

  3. Caregivers can feel easily overwhelmed and isolated so I think this is a great awareness campaign! This is why I love you, putting your face and your husband's out to the world raising the awareness about MS and the role of caregiving! Happy Anniversary.

  4. How wonderful that the 'caregivers' are being recognized. We so often don't take the time to say 'thank you' for acts of kindness. Have you ever noticed how startled people are when you say something like, "Thank you for helping me to the car" to the bag boy? We all need to care better for each other. I'm so glad you have Gary to help you.

  5. We are blessed with true love in our lives. Rick and I celebrated 45 years married this year, and are looking forward to more wonderful time together ahead. Thanks for posting this important article of caregiving ... it is so timely in this month of Thanksgiving.

  6. My husband is, for all intents and purposes, his father's caregiver but not in a hands-on way. We have done everything possible to keep him healthy and safe since he was 80. Now he's 97 and in a care facility, which we arranged for him. Even though it's not hands on my husband still handles all his finances and is the liaison with his care givers. We're 2 hours away and it's not always easy, but he is diligent in keeping his dad safe and in good hands for as long as he is alive. It's admirable and I love him for it.
    Your care giver is as cute as you are!

  7. It's such a good idea to raise awareness about the vital job caregivers do and to find ways to acknowledge what is often a demanding responsibility. Happy anniversary. 🙂

  8. Happy Anniversary to a lovely couple! You are blessed to have found each other. Thank you for shining a light on this month and it's meaning for the Care Givers among us. They are a noble breed!
    Kimberly XO

  9. OMG- great post and even better idea with the Random Acts of Kindness for Caregivers. While I was sick, I knew that my husband had it so much harder than I. My job was to stay alive and get better. His jobs were to tend to me in a million different ways, keep our house going with a zillion different tasks, the family happy- a gazillion balls in the air, and through it all make sure our business stayed afloat.

  10. You and your husband always seem to be so happy together. I am so glad for your 27 years together. I hope caregivers everywhere get random acts of kindness. I was recently at a conference, and Orgain was offering those. I asked for a hug and flowers. They gave me hugs and orchids. It meant a lot to me after a long year of double caregiving.

  11. First, a very happy anniversary to you and your husband! And to him and all caregivers around the world, from the bottom of my heart, an abounding thank you is expressed for your inexplicable kindness! Those words seem so trivial to convey my emotions. I don't think there really are enough words that can relay, anyone who needs caregiving's, gratitude!

  12. Happy Anniversary! I was just reading about this campaign in (I believe) AARP magazine. What a terrific idea! Many caregivers use the library where I work. Gives me plenty of opportunities to reach out and show my support.

  13. Happy Anniversary to you both! What a terrific milestone! We have our 40th this February. Wow when I see that number. I love this campaign. I've been caregiver at least several times in my life and it's a very worthy cause. Spreading the word with love!

  14. Hello Foxy Lady! What a great photo of the two of you. You already know how blessed you are to have a great man who loves and cares for you. When I had my breast cancer blog, I became aware of how many men leave their wives after they're diagnosed with breast cancer. It breaks my heart. So I celebrate you and your fabulous husband. xoxox, Brenda

  15. Maybe, just maybe I'll be nice to my sister, who is a caretaker to her special need's son. I know - I will put an expiration date on my niceness, random act of kindness coupon. Heh heh And hats off to your husband! But he gets to be married to you, so that is a bonus for sure!

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