An Empowered Spirit Blog Post

A Retraction And An Apology

By Cathy Chester on December 30, 2014

There are some things that can never be compromised, and one of those things is the truth. I've always been truthful in what I do, particularly in my writing. But now there is a truth that I need to discuss with my readers.


I recently wrote a blog post about someone who tragically lost their family in a car accident. I learned about this story from people I've come to know online over the past year, so I trusted the story on face value. It was so tragic and so shocking that I uncharacteristically failed to google the story before writing about it.

I let myself and my readers down by not gaining the facts. I acted on emotional impulse.

To this day I can neither confirm nor deny this alleged car accident. I have spent an inordinate amount of time trying to find any details about it. I found none.

I apologize to you for acting on emotions instead of keeping a clear head before writing that post. As a writer I always spend a good deal of time researching facts from credible sources before publishing a post. The truth always matters. But this time I allowed the horror of this alleged story get the best of me. I am truly sorry if I have caused you any unnecessary stress.



Cathy Chester


  1. Thanks Cathy, for this update of the facts. With Internet and social media, it's so hard to sift fact from untrue drama.

    And who knows? You gave us an opportunity to express compassion - even if in that situation it wasn't warranted. So everything has a purpose. Glad that all is well (hopefully) with that family. :).

  2. Wow, that would be terrible, if it were made up. I am sorry this happened to you, Cathy. No stress here, there is never too much positive energy, love or prayer in the world and I think it got used somewhere, if not in that situation. Blessings and do not worry.

  3. You acted with your heart, Cathy. It saddens me that this could be a made up story. As human beings who care, we often take things at face value. Thanks for at least admitting you aren't so sure!

  4. Good for you. I've been there (on FB, not on my blog), and I know how it feels.

    I think all of the world (especially healthcare) would be a lot better off if we all could tell the truth about mistakes - even if we "should have known better."

    In that way, you're lighting the way to a better world. Thank you.

  5. Who would ever think that a story like that could be made up? Most people wouldn't think of doing anything like that. Some people who might would probably feel that it would come back to haunt them.

    Most bloggers, I have found, are almost pathologically honest and you were coming from that place of understanding.

    I feel so sad that somebody or some people felt the need to make up a story like that.

  6. Thank you for the original story because regardless of whether or not it was fabricated, it made your readers take a moment to be thankful for their loved ones. You meant no harm....

  7. I am sorry for the stress this caused you, Cathy. Because you would never be capable of fabricating a story, you trusted that your sources were just as genuine. I hope the truth does come out so you can have some closure. So sorry. xo

  8. Interesting world we navigate these days that this kind of issues even comes up. Know that your heart is authentic and mistakes are simply that. Besides most of us also don't google to verify either!! LOL!

  9. Your intent was pure. And I echo the other commenters: "who would ever make this story up." But people have broken places in their psyche and they must fabricate drama because they feel very alone in the world. Your intent was to garner strength through prayer and raise the vibration of a tragedy.

  10. I was equally upset and called my friend in New Jersey who had not heard of it. Nothing was on the news there, and I also could find nothing on Google. There are some people who fabricate things online for some kind of sick thrill of the effect. It may have been done maliciously to upset our holiday times. What they do not realize is that we with compassion always win and compassion is always the better path. Its no fault of yours but it did upset my holiday and that of everyone I told about it that did a prayer chain. I feel terrible that I shared the need for prayers with so many and equally ruined their happy holidays. So sad someone would make up such a terrible story and I know you feel terrible. What we all gained was the power of prayer and care for other human beings. that is always a win win!

  11. From all I can find out, the story is true and the people are real. Thanks for writing about the hard times for our friends.

  12. I am confident that you will use this as a "learnable moment". Learning from our mistakes, regardless of our age, demonstrates maturity. Admitting our mistakes demonstrates character. You, my friend, have a pretty good handle on both of these things. #don'tbeatyourselfup 🙂 Happy New Year!

  13. Hi Cathy - just voted for your blog and saw this post. I can so relate to the sense of embarrassment you must have felt. I have occasionally passed on a "story" on FB that then was pointed out to be an urban legend. Why do people have the need to fabricate stories - just to see them circulating and feel a weird sense of power from that? Twisted minds...
    In any case, you did the right thing - level with your readers. It shows respect for us and yourself. And I bet you'll double-check your facts even more compulsively in the future 🙂

  14. Your kind and open heart is such a blessing, my world is a more open and understanding place since I had the opportunity to meet and learn from you. The skeptic in me came out with this incident there are too many 'stories' but your Empowered Spirit is a calming read for that I thank you.

  15. Sweet Cathy,
    I am sorry this happened to you and has caused you to feel hurt and stressed. You knew nothing about me and your support and belief in my purpose and mission as I try to bring Full Circle to life gave me the boost I needed to keep on striving to reach my goals. Please don't let this experience stop you from helping others with the power of your words as there are a lot of people trying their best to do a lot of good that need your help. I hope 2015 brings you much joy and success in all that you do. Thank you again from the horses and people at Full Circle Equine Rehabilitation Center!

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