An Empowered Spirit Blog Post

Social Good: When Will You Have "Enough Time" To Make A Difference In The World?

By Cathy Chester on October 28, 2014

“One life is all we have and we live it as we believe in living it. But to sacrifice what you are and to live without belief, that is a fate more terrible than dying.” ~Joan of Arc

Help Helping Life Time Social Good

I’ve often thought I’d like to live nine lives to devote to every cause that is important to me. I’ve been blessed with a good life, and because of that I feel a need to pay it forward to make a difference in the world.

My work mainly focuses on issues involving Multiple Sclerosis and the disability community. Now I’d like to spread my wings a bit further, expanding to something bigger than myself, something that has nothing whatsoever to do with my own issues.

So many causes tug at my heart that I often want to shout, "Where do I sign up?"

If I were wealthy I'd donate money to all of them.That would feel satisfying, yet it would also feel somewhat empty and incomplete. Because no matter what the cause may be, I'd want to spend my time volunteering in person.

Here are a few of the causes that have recently been tugging at my heart:

Special Needs Children: A close friend is working with horses to help children with special needs.

“Where do I sign up?”

Literacy for Young Ones: A fellow blogger is involved in a program that provides literacy to infants and toddlers.

“Where do I sign up?”

Caring for Elephants in Need: Another friend volunteered at The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee. “A natural refuge where sick, old and needy elephants can once again work the earth in peace and dignity.”

"Where do I sign up?”

Knitting for Infants and Toddlers in Need: A few years ago I'd knit blankets for Project Linus, an organization that provides handmade blankets for critically ill or traumatized infants and toddlers. I need to make time to knit for them again.

“Where do I sign up?”

Special Olympics: I subscribe to Maria Shriver’s online newsletter, and her latest one touched on The Special Olympics, an international organization established by her mother, Eunice Kennedy Shriver, to empower and educate people with intellectual disabilities through the power of sports. I’ve always wanted to volunteer for them but never “found the time” to get involved. I need to make the time.

“Where do I sign up?”

Animals: I’ve written many times, on my blog and elsewhere, that all animals deserve respect and unconditional love. We need to stop animal abuse and put an end to the existence of kill shelters. Let’s use our voices on behalf of our furry friends, and stop the insanity of animal abuse.

“Where else can I sign up?”

Two more organizations I have written about because I believe in their mission:

Clean Water: WaterAid, an international non-profit organization that provides access to safe, clean water in underdeveloped countries.

Bullying Prevention: PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center raises awareness about bullying, stopping it by people taking an active role through education and outreach.

“I have never been especially impressed by the heroics of people convinced they are about to change the world. I am more awed by those who struggle to make one small difference.” ~Ellen Goodman

There are so many causes that inspire me, far too many to list here.The Utopian Society I imagined as a child - the one I still dream about today - simply doesn't exist. The next best thing? Doing something positive for the sake of others. No act is too small to make the world a better place. Do it for yourself. Do it for others. Do it to make a difference.

Which cause will I choose in order to make a difference? I'm not quite sure. But whatever it may be you can be sure that it will be something I believe in.

Where will YOU sign up?

  • Mother's Day: To Save A Life Is To Save The World
  • Invisible Illness: Six Things I Want You To Know About Multiple Sclerosis And Me
  • Families Coping With Illness: How Our 2006 Video For A Local TV Program Is Still Relevant Today

Cathy Chester


  1. I totally get this. Andrew Harvey, a beautiful mystic and scholar/writer, says that we should find the cause that breaks our heart open, the thing that wakes us up in the middle of the night.

  2. Thanks for the shout out about the Elephant Sanctuary. Such a great cause - as are all of these. I think all you can do is, well, all you can do. If everyone just helped out in any way they could but just did SOMETHING, it would make a difference. There are so many people and animals that need help, and every little bit of time, money, effort is important.

  3. These are all such worthy causes that you name, and so many more are out there. I think sometimes people don't realize that their efforts do indeed make a difference, no matter how big or small. "Doing something positive for the sake of others." So true -- so important -- and thank you for reminding us in this lovely post.

  4. What a compassionate heart you have--that you perceive others' needs. Yes, I do think it's important to focus, but it is hard to do that. There are abundant needs that are clearly unmet.

  5. Hi Cathy! You are so very right that there are many, many places were we can get involved and make a difference. It can be difficult to choose but as a writer I think you are doing an AMAZING job of sharing both the benefits to others AND to those who make the time to help. What I never want to forget and like to remind people is that by helping anyone else we are basically helping ourselves too. After all, it's really just all ONE! Keep up the good work! ~Kathy

  6. When I found the "cure" for my cancer 40 years ago, I became a natural health coach and symptomologist. At that point, I made it my life's mission to help people find optimum health and/or get them pregnant when the medical profession said there was no hope. For the past 35 years I have helped hundreds do that and I have never charged for my services.

    We are in the jewelry business and when people come in that are in dire straights and need to sell their gold, often their wedding rings, we just give them the money and have them keep their precious jewelry. Every single time, we have been paid back and we have never asked them to do that.

    Our family has also rescued numerous dogs.

    It is not difficult to find people in need in your own backyard. At Christmas we find families off the grid and surprise them with gifts and food.

    There are many other things we do and the rewards are endless. Personally, when a mom comes back to see me with her newborn after being told she will never bear a child -- it makes it all worth it.

  7. This is just SO awesome Cathy!! I love your heart so very much, my friend!! Oh, if I could I would dive into the countless amazing organizations out there that help others in need. The need is GREAT and the purpose if always important.

    My women's group is actively pouring our hearts and our 'things' into several ministries that help children- one woman who is truly the hands and feet of God in Haiti has started an orphanage and we have donated many clothes to her for the children. We also hosted a fundraiser event dinner where she spoke about her ministry and we raised a good amount of money for her precious mission!!

    We are planning on wrapping an abundant amount of gifts to send her way for Christmas for the kids to open.

    Another amazing woman is a doctor by day and had privately set out on a mission to have a 'store' in a closet (Literally a small room she 'rents out) at our city's courthouse, where the teens that come through can 'shop' for free. She dedicates her time and funds this entire 'secret service' to those youth who set out to start again with nothing.

    My point in all this sharing is that it truly only takes ONE person to make a difference. I am constantly amazed by this truth. ONE person? YES!! We all need to believe that WE can be that person!!

    LOVE this post Cathy!

  8. Cathy, I've been thinking about volunteering more during my life after 50 and still trying to decide what organization and where I could provide the most good. I'm leaning toward the elderly since I want to help those who need help with caregiving. You've inspired me to up my search efforts.

  9. Like you, there are so many causes that tug at my heart as well. I think the best part about being a blogger is that we can learn about those that interest us and share with others. Then, we can choose the causes that move us most and focus on those.

  10. Funny you should bring this up. Just this week I've started volunteer work at the city Food Bank, in their warehouse, stocking shelves and packing boxes. This, and my volunteer work at the LASPCA animal shelter. I agree- there are SO MANY causes I'd like to be involved in. Money- yes. But TIME is so important. Thanks for your continued inspiration Cathy.

  11. There is so darn much need. It's heartbreaking. Fortunately there are many folks with kind hearts such as yours. Every little bit helps.

    I used to be a site coordinator for the local children's literacy center. It was hugely rewarding work — which started as volunteer work then moved into a paying position. I quit four years ago, but I just got an email last week from a mother updating me on the continued success of her son, thanks to the tutoring he received from me. So fabulous to hear.

  12. Cathy, I couldn't agree more. How I wish I could donate both my time and money to so many causes! For obvious reasons, I chose Alex's Lemonade Stand this past year and will continue to support that organization, but I also want to continue to support many others, including Autism Speaks, ASPCA, and Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (I have 2 friends with kids who were recently diagnosed)...thank you for this reminder that we should continue to spend some of our free time (and $) on helping others.

  13. I think you have to find what sings in harmony with who you are and how you see the world and then just go for it. What makes you feel on a deeper level and what helps you serve what you see as your purpose?

    As I get ready for Giving Tuesday, I have two nonprofits clearly in focus: one empowering young women to become good decision makers ( and one empowering over looked and under-valued, amazing blues musicians ( Both new causes for me but both sing to the core of me!

  14. Yes, there are SO many good and worthwhile causes. I try to focus on breast cancer and multiple sclerosis because of my personal experiences with both. But some days I wish I was Bill Gates, so that I could contribute to all of the good causes out there!

  15. Thought-provoking as always, Cathy. I too wish I had more time... I have just finished a long-term volunteer commitment and am taking time to focus on myself a little more. But I miss it.

  16. There are endless choices, and I know for sure that any one or two you choose will be lucky to have you on board!

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