An Empowered Spirit Blog Post

You Are Enough Exactly As You Are

By Cathy Chester on February 1, 2019

After speaking with several people in the multiple sclerosis community who were experiencing a particularly difficult year I wondered what I could do to help them. Their self-esteem was plummeting and they were questioning their place in the world. Despite several constructive conversations, it occurred to me they are enough exactly as they are. 

Simplistic, I know, but very powerful.

I sat down and wrote the following for them. It must have hit a nerve because it drew a lot of attention throughout social media. And not only from those living with MS.

Can you guess why?

No one escapes this life without facing hurdles. We all have struggles and sometimes they feel insurmountable. On those days we need someone to remind us that we are perfect just as we are. 

That includes YOU. Yes, YOU!


Living with a disability can sometimes make you less productive than you want to be.

You are enough.

You set personal and professional goals that aren't realized whenever illness strikes. You feel frustrated, angry or disappointed.

You are enough.

The life you planned and the life you're living are not in alignment. The route veered off the moment you were diagnosed.

You are enough.

You watch others live a seemingly rich, full life and wonder why you were chosen to live a lifetime of adversity.

The answer is very simple. You are as tough as nails. You are special. You are unique and a true warrior. Your inner strength knows no bounds. It might not always feel that way. Some days you'd rather feel less unique, but you are always one amazing champion.

You are a survivor. Whoever you are and whatever you do on this crazy journey of ours...

You are always enough.




Cathy Chester


  1. Cathy, that was so beautiful! At some point in everyone's life we question our purpose and experience inadequacies because we seem to fall short. This is a powerful phrase for each of us. You are always enough because God made us perfect at whatever stage we are in. May your words continue to bless so many.
    Love ya,

  2. Thanks, Cathy. I'm feeling this way today, so your reminder is what I needed to hear. But I am not sure that I really believe it. I mean REALLY believe that I am enough. It's midwinter and I think I've seen my shadow. But this polar vortex will break soon, and I know that getting outside will help.
    I can outlast this mood.

  3. Thank you for your encouraging words, Cathy! We all face different degrees of physical, mental, and/or spiritual challenges. Blessings on you, Suzanne

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The mission of this blog is to encourage those with MS, to educate the world on what MS is and isn’t, and to help those with MS live a joyful and empowered life.
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