An Empowered Spirit Blog Post

Spring Is Here: How My New Bicycle And FitBit Will Help Me Feel And Look Better

By Cathy Chester on April 3, 2014

“With the coming of Spring I am calm again.” ~Gustav Mahler

Spring Healthy Jenny Craig

Spring is finally here.  Almost.  The snow has melted at our house, and the temperatures may reach into the fifties today.

For us, any temperature above freezing is a cause for celebration.

I always look forward to the spring.  It’s a time of renewal, a time when the drab, dreary colors of winter are replaced with happy, vibrant colors.  Flower buds begin to bloom, birds migrate to the north and the warm feeling of sunshine renews our spirit.

Spring Healthy Jenny Craig

But somewhere between childbirth and midlife, when my body began to change again and again and again, I didn't always look forward to spring in the same way I did when I was younger.

Gravity took over, and the pounds I put on were much harder to take off.  So when the calendar showed that spring was around the corner, I often dreaded shedding the sweaters and coats that hid the unwanted changes in my body.

Beyond dreading the physical changes, I was equally unhappy about being less active during winter.  My disability prevents me from running and walking far distances, and for the last year I’ve been working hard on getting pain-free motion back in my right arm while enduring a frozen shoulder.

As Tony Soprano used to say, “What are you gonna do?”

So this spring, despite the gravity, pounds and shoulder, I’m going to get my butt back on my new bicycle that’s been gathering dust in my garage for the past year.  I walk by it everyday, hanging upside down, glaring at me as if laughing out loud while saying, “Hey!  When are you going to get me down from here?”

Spring Healthy Jenny Craig 

I also love my new FitBit that challenges me to walk more every day.  I attach it to my bra in the morning after getting dressed, and I check it at night before I go to bed to see how many steps I took, how far I walked and how many calories I burned.

Thank you to my cousin Gabrielle who surprised me with my new device.  Wasn’t that thoughtful of her?

It also helps that I began the Jenny Craig program last December, because my clothes now fit me better, and I feel lighter and healthier.  I look forward to continuing with their program.

Spring Healthy Jenny Craig

My goal of feeling healthier seems more within reach than it did a year ago, so I am glad I began taking steps toward taking better care of my body.

What are you doing to feel healthier this spring?

*I received a free month on the Jenny Craig program and a discount on food for this review.  There was no compensation.  All opinions are solely my own.  NOTE: Clients following the Jenny Craig program lose, on average, 1 -2 lbs. per week.





Cathy Chester


  1. I have the same response to the warmer days of spring. I am planning to dig out my old bicycle, spruce it up and hit the streets! I have been thinking about getting a Fitbit so I am glad to read that you have one.
    Good luck with your efforts!

  2. Good for you! Bike riding is a great exercise but it's hard for me to do because of my back. However, I take three long walks a day with my dog so I do get some cardio. I have started recording everything I eat on My Firness Pal. Hoping this will keep me more accountable. Here's to fitness and good health for all of us!

  3. So ready for spring too. Glad you had success with Jenny Craig. I love my Nike+ Fuelband - keeps me moving

  4. You're taking all the right steps, Cathy...I just know you're going to really enjoy this spring, between the long hard winter and your new toy!

  5. I had a gadget like the FitBit (can't recall the name at the moment) but ended up giving it to one of my daughters because I kept forgetting to wear it. I'm doing better with the LoseIt! app in terms of watching calories and exercising more. I do, though, wish I had a new bike. Maybe soon.

    Great job on your getting fit and healthy! Keep it up!

  6. Cathy, Good for you taking the time to focus on your health and well-being. I am trying to shed some winter poundage as well, and have been upping my time on the treadmill.

  7. Hi Cathy! Good for you and glad you are finally getting some nice weather! I don't have a fit-bit but I do have a bicycle and absolutely LOVE it. While my main exercise is walking, I just feel like a kid on that bike and don't consider it exercise at all. Enjoy your weather AND your bike! ~Kathy

  8. I haven't been on a bike in years. Sounds like a fun way to get back into shape. Still waiting for the snow to melt in our yard. The sun just doesn't shine on it enough. It was in the 50s today though. Yay for getting outside again!

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