Next week I'll be off to National Harbor, Maryland to spend a week with 2,000 brilliant minds - healthcare professionals and researchers - who all work tirelessly to make a difference in the lives of MS patients. Anyone who follows me knows I'll be attending and blogging about the 30th anniversary annual conference for the Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers. But before I can go...
June Halper, CEO of The Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers, welcoming everyone to the 2015 CMSC Annual Meeting in Indianapolis
I need to take care of something. I have to get rid of the sore throat and cold that's been plaguing me this week. Whenever my compromised immune system is hit with stress, germs or an infection my body takes twice as long to heal than it does for a "normal" person.
Is it coincidental that I get sick before many events? I don't think so. I've had to cancel so many conferences, social engagements and get-togethers that it's ridiculous.
Cancelling this time is not an option.
So I'm doing all I can to take greater care of myself, something you should be doing, too.
I'm getting plenty of rest (Is it still spring outside? It's been so long!), drinking six 8 ounce glasses of water ( some with tea with honey and ginger,) and taking my supplements of Vitamin D (4,000 mg/day as prescribed by my doctor), Vitamin B with C, probiotics, DGL licorice (chewable) and cranberry.
And drinking my delicious green smoothies that are jam-packed with vitamins, antioxidants and fiber.
If you're looking for a good article about supplements written by someone who has MS here's one from by my colleague Kim Dolce titled "Do Vitamins and Other Supplements Really Benefit People with MS?"
I'm also trying to de-stress by removing any toxic behavior that I come in contact with and by doing a little self-talk, especially about what to expect at the upcoming conference. I know it sounds crazy but I find it's reassuring to mentally or verbally list all of the reasons why an event will be helpful/inspiring/informative/fun. Try it sometime!
I'm always a bit anxious before attending any conference. I worry about my MS fatigue. I wonder if I'll have enough energy to do everything I need to do, so I schedule time for a daily nap.
There's a biologic effect that stress has on the body so I'm doing all I can chase the stress away.
You can read more about stress in this piece "10 Simple Ways to Relieve Stress" by Healthline.
I'm also meditating, using breathing techniques to reduce stress (see this Mayo Clinic article on reducing stress with meditation.) My immune system has not been fighting against germs so I need to put my boxing gloves on to battle my way back to wellness. I can do this!
"Meditation can wipe away the day's stress, bringing with it inner peace. See how you can easily learn to practice meditation whenever you need it most."~Mayo Clinic
With lots of rest and taking good care of myself I know I'll be ready to hit the ground running when I arrive at the conference.
My advice to you? Always take the best care of yourself. That's not exactly news but we all need a reminder.
As we age it's more important than ever to maintain a strong immune system. Your body needs to be well nourished in every possible way because your immune system is your body's defense against infections and other harmful invaders. You want to prepare it so it's always ready to fight the best fight for you:
I'll see you soon from National Harbor! Have a safe and healthy week.
I hope you get better really quickly Cathy - it sounds like you are doing everything possible to be in tip top shape. I love that you included a nap in amongst it all - I'm doing a little post on napping next week - it's such an overlooked way to de-stress.
Rest up and have a great time. Thanks for these good health reminders.
Great suggestions. I am a firm believer in Vitamin D and also omega 3's (and walking as a low cost exercise). I'm surprised that enough doctors in this area don't even test Vitamin D levels when they do bloodwork.
Excellent advice to maintain a healthy immune system. I find sleep and exercise the two most important factors for me. When those go out the window, so does my good health.
Cathy, it sounds like you're doing everything the right way!!
I too have a potentially stressful week coming up, in the form of surgery (nothing life threatening, just "blah"). Reading all of the things you're doing has got me thinking that I need to take better care. I sit at the computer and lose time; before I know it the day is over and I've completely neglected myself.
It's likely serendipity that brought me here to read your wise words. Thank you.
Wonderful advice. I always write myself a visualization before every trip or conference, as I have similar travel issues with migraine. I read it several times a day before I go and then on the trip. It's not a magic pill, but it does help me and my body set great intentions, and it tends to be more true than false. Good luck! That's a HUGE hotel, see if you can request a room close to the area where your event is and near the elevator bank that's closest to your ballroom. XOXO
Recognizing the pattern is such a huge step to breaking it. I hope your throat feels better soon
You're doing all the right stuff! I hope you kick that sore throat before you go. Meditation is very important for reducing my stress! I frequently forget the naps though, and they are so valuable. Our bodies just need more rest when fighting bugs. Good luck! You'll be awesome.
I love that you include meditation in your stress-busting tool-kit. I too get stressed before travel and find myself more likely to come home with a cold or upset tummy (being on a plane with recirculating air is already a good way to get sick...).
Hoping you're feeling better today and really enjoy next week's experience!
I love that you are choosing to take positive action -- what am amazing gift to yourself! Been reading about vitamin B and energy / vitality and can't wait to get your take on that as well!
I too love Stephanie's suggestion and beyond that, knowing a good soul has your back on site!
Good luck with getting and staying healthy for this fabulous opportunity! I tend to get very sick AFTER events and travel and have the same problem as you in the timing of overcoming such, thanks to MS. BUT, I found this past several months of traveling that if I use a saline nasal spray when first feeling the tickle of a cold in my throat, it clears out the germs. Knock wood, but I've not gotten sick in the past six months despite trips to FL, AZ (three times!), OH and CA. (Let's hope I didn't just jinx myself!)
Get well and be well, my friend!
You've incorporated all the "good stuff" to stay healthy. A short nap - even 15 minutes to just close my eyes does wonders for me and I try to do it every day. Exercise & meditation are great stress relievers. I take Vitamin D too - get tested for levels every 6 months. Great post for all of us!
Sounds like you are doing everything possible. I think sleep is really important and washing hands.I go a bit nutty on both before and during a big event when possible. Have a great time and I look forward to reading all about it!
Hope you feel better and that you have a wonderful informative time at your conference, I often get sick right after a big event, not before. I think its usually from the lack of sleep and stress. Love your idea of remembering and listing why you are going!
As a certified health coach and Symptomologist, I have spent the last 40 years teaching on the subjects of building a strong immune system, preventative measures, etc. You make a few good points here - thank you. I have had incredible success helping people with MS or other chronic illnesses realize optimum health. If you would like to chat, I certainly am available.
[…] See the compete original article at: […]
[…] I’m getting plenty of rest (Is it still spring outside? It’s been so long!),drinking six 8 ounce glasses of water ( some with tea with honey and ginger,) and taking my supplements of Vitamin D (4,000 mg/day as prescribed by my doctor), Vitamin B with C, probiotics, DGL licorice (chewable) and cranberry. (Read More) […]