An Empowered Spirit Blog Post

My Story: Life Through A Lens Or How I Finally Made Peace With My Glasses (Includes My First VIDEO)

By Cathy Chester on December 9, 2013

The following is a sponsored post.  I received compensation and merchandise. All opinions expressed are solely my own.

My journey of wearing glasses began a long time ago. "Let's start at the very beginning.  A very good place to start."

(Don't judge me too harshly. This was my first video for An Empowered Spirit.  NOTE TO SELF: Stop saying "ANYWAY"..)

When I first dated my husband I refused to let him see me wearing my "coke bottle" glasses.  My nearsightedness required the lenses of my eyeglasses to be quite thick. I was used to wearing contact lenses and felt self-conscious wearing glasses.


Photo: Etsy

A few months after we began dating I developed an eye condition preventing me from wearing my contacts. One night, we decided to go to a local restaurant for dinner that, coincidentally, my future in-laws were dining at as well.  After spotting us, they began to walk over to meet me and I quickly took off my glasses and hid them. While being introduced, I attempted to look as upbeat and casual as possible.

In reality, all I saw were two complete blurs. I had no idea what they looked like.


Reading about cute puppies and kittens puts a smile on my face.

Eyeglasses have come a long way since 1985.  They are not only functional, but have also become a fashion accessory.  You can express your style and personality through chic, trendy or sophisticated lenses.

I no longer think twice about wearing glasses in public.

When I work I need to wear contact lenses and readers

When I work I need to wear contact lenses and readers

As I age, all print seems to be getting smaller and smaller. I can't shop in a store without the need to pull my readers from my purse so I can read a list of ingredients or the fine print in a circular.

I have a pair of readers in every room of the house, a pair in my car, one in my purse...

Readers Three

When I read outside it feels good to wear fashionable sunglass readers

After reached out to me to try their product, I was surprised not only at the wide selection of readers and eyeglasses they offer, but at their affordable prices. Their guarantee of satisfaction is important, because I know firsthand how crucial it is to find the right pair of eyewear.

Happy Reader

I love having different choices so I can express my individual style with the readers I wear.

Whether I'm writing, reading or shopping, a comfortable and stylish pair of readers makes my life easier while giving me a chance to express myself.

Hmm.  Which pair will I wear today?

Do you wear readers?

Enhanced by Zemanta

Cathy Chester


  1. I'm so glad to learn about this company. Who doesn't need readers at some point? I know I need them (and yes, funny how that print seems smaller now!). Nice to know that they are fashionable as well as functional. Also, you rock the video! Great job!

  2. If only your second grade teacher could hear your story! Enjoyed this Cathy and love the fun readers. I'm hanging on, still can see the small print but I know I must be getting closer to that day when the print seems to be shrinking!

  3. Great post and video, Cathy. You are so engaging. I didn't start wearing glasses until my early 20s...and now have readers in every room ( although I can never find them when I need them!). I think I should start keeping a pair in the shower to avoid washing my body with hair conditioner :).

  4. OH my, I think we had the same glasses...I remember those. Now days I wear glasses since contacts just wen't giving me the close-up power I needed. I have 2 pairs of glasses now so that I can change up my look now and then!

  5. I didn't start wearing reading glasses until I was 16 - but my son started wearing them just before he turned two (with an eye patch, no less) to correct a lazy eye. It wasn't easy for him - or for his mom! Now everyone wears glasses - even people who don't need them!

  6. It's taken me a while to get used to my glasses, and now I wonder what my original problem was. You know what finally got me to wear them regularly? They hide the nasty suction marks under my eyes from my swim goggles. So I swapped one kind of vanity for another I suppose, but now I like having lots of glasses around for different looks, plus, you know, I can see better.

  7. Love your glasses story. Great video. I've been wearing glasses since fourth grade. Never contacts, as I've been far-sighted and needed them just for reading and such. Well, I'm now into progressive lenses. I have a pair or two of those plus, like you, readers in every room, my purse, behind my cookbook stand in the kitchen. Still, I find myself unable to find glasses when I need them.

    I love that first pair on you in the photos above. So fashionable!

    Thank you for sharing the news on

  8. First of all, you look GREAT in ALL those frames. I started wearing glasses in college and always felt so self-conscious in them, mainly because I could never find a pair of frames I liked. I have the same problem with sunglasses...the minute I turned 40, I needed readers. I held out for as long as I could (like 7 years!), but now it's impossible for me to read fine print unless it's under very bright light. I finally found a cute pair of readers that I like that I've been wearing for the past year. Oddly enough though, some days I can't seem to work on the computer without them, and then others days I'm fine not wearing them...Sigh - aging.

  9. You did great on the video! Your story of hating your glasses when you were little reminds me of a story I've heard Oprah tell. When she was little she staged a break in and the only thing that was damaged was her glasses! Her mother figured it out.

  10. What a great video, you are so engaging and gorgeous!! I love the way the readers look on you, very cool.

    I am supposed to wear glasses, but don't always do it, so I find it very helpful when I'm with my kids since they can tell me just who is waving to me!! Thanks for the encouragement!!

  11. I love the video, and you look great in every pair of those readers! My daughter is one of those rare girls who desperately wanted glasses even thought she didn't need them, and was thrilled when the eye doctor said she was on the borderline and could get them if she wanted. I still don't need glasses but print seems to be getting smaller every day for me, and I think I may have to check out readers. com!

  12. Great post Cathy and kudos on your first video blog! You look great. I have been wearing prescription glasses for years, but only started wearing them more when I was pregnant because my eyes got drier. I continued wearing them after having my daughter. When I wear contact lenses, I definitely need to use readers, so this is a great resources. Thanks.

  13. Great story Cathy. I use 'Readers' like 'Kleenex'. They are the ones to buy! I like the square rectangle shape on you. Isn't it great that you can have new fun looks inexpensively!

  14. Cathy, great story, I have been wearing glasses for years and have never had a problem having to wear them, although I might feel differently if I was as nearsighted as you are. I am one of those rare individuals who actually wanted to wear glasses from an early age (several siblings wore them and perhaps I felt left out) and I embraced them from the first day I got them. The only thing that got in the way, was that I was very shy and was self conscious at first being seen in them, but I was determined to get over it and after a few weeks with my new look I became very confident wearing my glasses and have never looked back! In addition to correcting my vision another benefit that getting glasses did for me was eliminate most of my shyness and made me a more confident person contrary to what they do for most people. Today I wear progressive bifocals and love them.

  15. I loved this article! Have been reading your blog for over
    a year and your always writing up some great articles. I shared this on my twitter and my followers loved it!
    Keep up the good work 🙂

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