An Empowered Spirit Blog Post

Summer Wellness: 12 Ideas To Give Yourself A Break This Summer

By Cathy Chester on July 29, 2014

"Summer afternoon, summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.” ~Henry James

Jenny Craig Wellness in the Summer

Photo: Jenny Craig

Trying to stay healthy as you age isn’t easy. First you must:

  • Eat healthy
  • Exercise daily
  • Take a multivitamin
  • Get an adequate amount of sleep
  • Keep stress and anxiety to a minimum

During midlife you must also:

  • Take daily medications
  • Schedule added routine medical examinations
  • Take care of parents, children, spouse, friends, yourself
  • Focus on your career or plan for retirement

My day also consists of:

  • Writing, promoting and reading, reading, reading
  • Responding to emails, social media comments, blog comments, texts and telephone calls

“It was a splendid summer morning and it seemed as if nothing could go wrong.” ~John Cheever

With so much to do during the course of a day, how can we possibly take good care of ourselves?

Wellness Summer

I look forward to summer all year. It’s a time for renewal. The days are longer, the flowers are in full bloom, and for many it’s vacation time.

But what if you have no plans for summer vacation? How can you create a feeling of renewal? Without a much-needed break, how can you take good care of myself?

“I love summertime more than anything else in the world. That is the only thing that gets me through the winter, knowing that summer is going to be there.” ~Jack McBrayer

It’s important for us to make time for ourselves. Sometimes it’s simply a matter of being creative to find new and fun ways to renew, refresh and feel alive again.

Wellness Summer

Jenny Craig's Cinnamon French Toast with Mixed Berries helps me eat healthy this summer

Turn off your computer and cell phone, and give yourself permission to enjoy yourself.  To help you do that, here are some suggestions of things to do if you’re staying close to home this summer:

  • Spend a day at the beach
  • Take a hike, or go bicycling
  • Go kayaking or canoeing
  • Get together with old friends
  • Sign up for a summer class
  • Learn a new skill, such as a foreign language or computer graphics.
  • Take time to do activities you’ve put off all year, such as writing a short story
  • Be mindful of the sounds of summer. The ocean, crickets and summer birds all create lovely music of their own
  • Participate in charity runs/walks
  • Find interesting craft fairs or car shows to attend
  • Volunteer at an animal shelter
  • Learn the basics of knitting and make chemo caps for infants/toddlers

Summer in my neck of the woods passes by quickly. I try to get outdoors as much as possible by biking, hiking and drinking in the smells and sounds that surround me. Ah, it’s so delicious.

What are your plans for summer?

*I received a free month on the Jenny Craig program and a discount on food for this review.  There was no compensation.  All opinions are solely my own.  NOTE: Clients following the Jenny Craig program lose, on average, 1 -2 lbs. per week.


Cathy Chester


  1. I think about summertime the entire year. When it's here I sometimes have trouble staying in the moment because I start thinking about it being over.
    We did a day trip to the shore a few weeks ago. I felt like I was away for a week.
    Our park has concerts 5 nights a week. We really enjoy them when we get done work early enough to go.

  2. Great suggestions in a time when many people can no longer afford vacations--staying at home and seeing local sites or taking a mini-break as you described are the way to go.
    I am taking a trip this summer, the first vacation I've had in a number of years. Heading to Santa Fe, where I have a place to stay at no cost!!

  3. Unplugging is such good advice. Today I'm going to spend the day in cooler San Francisco with a dear friend. We'll stroll the Asian Art Museum and have a nice lunch. Summer in San Francisco: 68 degrees vs summer in San Jose 55 miles south: 95 degrees. Yeah, I'll take it. 😉

  4. Where I live it gets pretty hot (up to 110), so summer isn't always something to look forward to. But, I do love that almost every meal is from our garden...fresh food all the time. That, and flip flops.

  5. Great post! I am trying to unplug as much as possible -- and it is so hard. Lucky it's almost always summer in San Diego! P.S. I love that Jenny Craig French toast and it's making me hungry for breakfast right now.

  6. I love your suggestions Cathy! Taking the time to pay attention, absorb, and enjoy can create more joy in your life and that, my friend, is what we all need!

  7. Hi Cathy! These are ALL great suggestions. The only one I would add is to listen to really happy music on a regular basis. It motivates me to get up and move around, and I almost always have a big grin on my face while doing it. And if you are physically able--go dancing!! Thanks for all the other ideas. ~Kathy

  8. You're so right about all of this. We need to all be better about unplugging and taking time to just be. Electronics and technology can be great but they can also be what makes us more stressed.

  9. You are so right...summer brings renewal, but I live in a part of the country where we wilt, or melt, by August!

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