An Empowered Spirit Blog Post

You Are My Sunshine, My Only Sunshine: The Sunshine Award

By Cathy Chester on February 1, 2014

The word "sunshine" always conjures up memories of my beloved grandmother singing this lullaby to me in her sweet, lilting voice:


Over the course of the last (almost) 55 years, the memory of Nanny singing that song brings a smile on my face.  It keeps me close to her whenever I hear the word "sunshine." I miss her so.

So, when Lois Alter Mark mentioned me and my blog in one of her blog posts at her award-winning Midlife at the Oasis, I was ecstatic.

Any nod from Lois puts a smile on my face.  If you know Lois you know what I mean; she illustrates sunshine in everything she does. Her bubbly personality pours through every word she writes.

Announcing that she was bestowing  The Sunshine Award on me created a reaction of the joy I feel for Nanny, and now for this award, and, of course, for my friend Lois.

What?  Did you just ask what the heck IS The Sunshine Award?  Good question!  It's an award passed down from one blogger to the next to spread a little sunshine.

How great is that?

So, now without further ado, I am obligated to answer three questions. Here goes:

#1.  Tell us 7 random things about yourself:

In high school I played flute in the band, and we were chosen to go to Disney World in Florida to march down Main Street with Mickey and Snow White. We were sweltering hot in our wool uniforms, but had a lot of fun.

I was Vice President of my senior class and had the honor of choosing the venue for our senior prom.  It would have been more fun if I had a boyfriend.  (It's not fun going with a guy friend.) Teen hearts are easily broken, yet easily mended when a new boyfriend enters your life a week after the prom.

prom sunshine

Nice hairdo, eh?

I talk "baby talk" to animals, and hug and snuggle with them whenever I can.  It's embarrassing but I don't care.  I love our furry friends. Every single one.

I'm a sucker for all romance movies.  I love a happy ending.

My brothers call me Shif, a shortened version of my Hebrew name, Shifra.  I love that they call me that.

I've wanted to be a writer since I was a young girl.  My mother encouraged me by subscribing to the magazine, The Writer.

I didn't start drinking coffee until I turned 40.  Now I am making up for lost time, and have fallen in love with Starbucks' soy lattes. Yum.

#2. Answer the following questions:

If you could go back in time ten years and tell yourself one thing, what would it be?

Buy Google, Apple and Priceline stock.

What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

Chocolate.  There is no other flavor.

If you were to take me on a date, where would we go and why?

To an old-time movie house to see a classic movie. Then a romantic candlelight dinner.

Above all else, what are you afraid of?


What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?

I've thought about this.  Like Jessica Fletcher in "Murder She Wrote" I'd write juicy novels, become a widely acclaimed and Pulitzer Prize winning author, then travel the world promoting my books while meeting fascinating people. However, I have no desire to solve any murders.

What has been your favorite age to be and why?

Every age has been wonderful, but if I had to choose one I'd have to say when my son was young.  The world was Utopian, and the memory of that time is magical.

Coffee or tea?

I enjoy a nicely brewed cup of tea, but I love to drink coffee.  With a smidgen of Trader Joe's soy creamer, or a Starbucks grande soy latte.

#3. List 11 blogs that bring sunshine to your life. (This is a difficult question to answer since there are so many blogs I enjoy, particular from the hundreds in my blogging community, Midlife Boulevard.)

Books Is Wonderful for its fascinating book reviews, and there's always a cup of sunshine with every word.

My So-Called Midlife for the wealth of knowledge I gain about health and wellness during midlife.

Grandma's Briefs because I enjoy reading about being a hip and fun grandmother, with a side order of love.

The Carpool Goddess because life with her is funny, interesting and sweet.

Apart From My Art because her fascinating life as an artist, the wife of a movie producer, and her world of creativity is endlessly fascinating.  Plus she's the youngest 72 year old who's ever lived.

Fabulous Blogging for the information I learn about the technical side of blogging, made easy for a non-techie person like me.  To me, that's fabulous.

Empty House, Full Mind because I always learn golden nuggets of information about any topic that's covered.  Plus anyone who loves Frank Sinatra, Broadway and movies as much as I do is my instant BFF.

Musings on Motherhood and Midlife because being a midlife mom to a young child takes a lot of energy and wisdom.

The Fur Files because life in Canada is so different from my own, and Amanda Fox is endlessly entertaining.

Tao Flashes because living a spiritual life is important to me, and I turn to Lisa G. Froman for inspiration and courage.

Did you feel the sunshine?  Do you feel warmer now? YOU are my sunshine, my only sunshine.  YOU make me happy, when skies are gray.

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Cathy Chester


  1. Congratulations on your Sunshine Award, Cathy! No one deserves it more than you. You bring sunshine wherever you go. xo

  2. Cathy, you are sunshine personified! I am beyond honored to be mentioned on your "read" list...I can't even tell you.

    Thank you for being a source of inspiration to me and to all of us. You really are a remarkable person and I look forward to meeting you one day. (I might be coming to New York in August for a conference.)

    As an aside....the sunshine lyrics you quoted from "You are My Sunshine," were written by a former Louisiana governor. It's our state song!

  3. I used to sing that to my kids when they were of my favorites. Your post made me flash back to those days nursing the kids when they were babies, thanks for the reminder. Xo

  4. Cathy, I love your writing, your spirit, your attitude of empowerment and your ability to spread sunshine wherever you go. I'm honored to be included in this amazing group of bloggers and women and I'm doubly honored to call you my friend.

  5. Dear Cathy, You're "Young at Heart" and you could "Fly Me to the Moon" with this Sunshine award. Having known you virtually (and a few times in real life) for about 18 months, I can say "I've Got You Under My Skin," Next time I'm in "New York, New York" we'll have to get together and have "One for the Road."

    Thanks for the shoutout to Midlife Boulevard, too!

    Do I need to do anything now that you've given me this lovely honor?

    With love from your fellow Frank-ophile!

  6. Cathy you are my sunshine. You radiate love and caring to all. Thank you for mentioning my blog. See how you spread the love? Thank you for always being there for us all.

  7. I always sing that song to my grandbabies, I so hope when they get older sunshine makes them think of me:)
    It was nice reading your answers and getting to know more about you.
    Maybe I should try coffee again...
    have a sunny weekend!

  8. You are too sweet. And we both talk baby talk to animals. Somehow I knew you would too. 🙂

    Thanks for the shout out. Hugs from up here in Canada - we give big ones because it's so cold LOL!

  9. Cathy, thank you so much for including me in your post. I am honored to be on your reading list among such lovely, sunshiney people, and it makes me so happy to think my writing puts a smile on your beautiful face. From the moment I met you IRL at blogher I knew you were sunshine inside and out. I am so lucky to call you my friend. xo

  10. I can just picture Nan singing that song to you Cath. She was a sweet, adorable grandma and I miss her too. Thank you for being a bright, shining, ray of sunshine in my life and a true inspiration.
    BTW...nice prom pic:)

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