An Empowered Spirit Blog Post

Thank A Caregiver: November Is National Family Caregivers Month

By Cathy Chester on November 15, 2014

Disclosure: November is National Family Caregivers Month, so I'm pleased to be working with Midlife Boulevard to bring you this important public service information. 


My husband has been my caregiver for the past 26 years. He sees what no one else sees of my daily struggles with Multiple Sclerosis. He selflessly and lovingly steps in to take care of me, but it's a job he never asked for. There've been times when it's extremely stressful but he's never complained. He does his best each day to keep me as happy and healthy as possible.

Our son has grown up seeing our loving relationship, and today the three of us are a close-knit family who are a team. I know that someday if he is called upon to take care of someone he loves, he'll be more than able to do it. He's had the best example in his father.


My family (1994)

That is the reason why I was thrilled to learn that November is National Family Caregivers Month. AARP and the Ad Council have launched new public service announcements (PSAs) illustrating how the changing role of parents and children can impact your life.

Since its inception in 2012 the Caregiver Assistance campaign has received over $72.4 million in donated media and has received more than 15 millions visits.

There's a reason why there is so much interest. More than 42 million caregivers in the U.S. provide an estimated $450 billion worth of unpaid care to aging relatives and friends, because most caregivers are also working and managing their own families. This is stressful and can put the caregiver at risk for physiological and financial problems.

Over the years I've had the privilege of knowing many other caregivers who selflessly care for loved ones. Their job is a difficult one, and it's one they never imagined they'd have. But when you see a loved one struggling with an illness you jump in to help.

A sense of community for caregivers, where they can share stories with other caregivers or find resources for information, is important to keep their sanity! AARP has provided a host of resources to create such a caring community:

 I want to take this opportunity to thank all caregivers everywhere, and to AARP and the Ad Council for helping to raise awareness about this important issue. From my heart to yours..


Cathy Chester


  1. OK. This videos just made me tear up. This is so near and dear to my heart Cathy. Jimmy's Grandma lived with us at the end of her life and I was her primary caregiver. She was the most lovely lady. My kids were little, the two youngest were under 3, their brother was 12, to say it wasn't easy would be an understatement. I was lucky, she gave herself completely over to me so caring for her wasn't a fight.
    You are so right about your son, he has had the best example of what it means to love and support someone and see you as a whole person, not as your disease. xo

  2. I want to thank my Husband who has been my care giver for over 38yrs. He has showing so much love and surpport thur good & BAD times. He is also my soil mate.

  3. After seeing my mother-in-law last weekend in the nursing home where she's been for four years and will surely be until her death, I have a renewed appreciation for caregivers. The nurses there love on and care for my MIL regardless of whether she is coherent or not. For those folks as well as other caregivers — including several nurses in my extended and in-law family — I give thanks.

  4. I have such gratitude to the women who cared for my own parents. It's true - they were "hired" but they gave so much more of themselves than they were paid to do. And my oldest brother, who saw my parents daily and made sure all was going well. So glad you and Midlife Boulevard are collaborating here Cathy. Great job.

  5. What a wonderful pic of your family. Our oldest and your son must be about the same age. I have gotten to know some amazing people online and in my community to care for children with special needs and elderly family members. It is one of the highest and purest examples of love. I know how isolated some people feel. It's wonderful that you and AARP and the Ad Council are encouraging support and awareness. xo

  6. What a great post. I've always been caregiver to those tho needed it in my family. I've heard some stories of people who run away from their responsibilities and don't want to deal when the going gets tough. It's so lovely to see those who don't! Awesome pic and videos too!

  7. Wonderful post Cathy! My husband has been my caregiver for the past 5 years and I have been so lucky. If it weren't for him I don't know where mom or I would be now!

  8. You and Gary have a loving, beautiful partnership and are blessed with supportive family around you. I truly admire Gary and all of the caregivers of the world.

  9. Hats off to AARP for sponsoring this very important campaign. We all have to face this issue sometime. Awareness is knowledge! Thanks for spreading the word, Cathy.

  10. […] Thank A Caregiver: November Is National Family Caregivers Month […]

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