An Empowered Spirit Blog Post

The Gift Of New Midlife Friendships: #BAMC2015

By Cathy Chester on March 11, 2015

The life of a writer can be a lonely one, and when you add the difficulties of living with a chronic illness, life can sometimes feel isolating. So you can imagine how excited I was three years ago when I took a leap of faith by reaching out to a total stranger on Facebook who wrote comments about a new women's midlife blogging group.

Despite the 3,000 miles between us, Sharon Greenthal virtually took my 53 year old hand by inviting me to walk through the front door with her, and like Dorothy landing in Oz I was suddenly in a new world.


I was born again that day, as if my passions and career collided together in ways that, at the time, I never imagined.

And so began my midlife reinvention.

Through the generosity of Sharon Greenthal and her partner in blogging crime, Anne Parris, I began exploring the possibilities of the blogosphere beyond my wildest dreams. Three years later I am more than amazed at what I've learned and accomplished in such a short time. My blog is my passion, and it is the stepping off point for the websites and online magazines that hire me for my voice and expertise.

But, as they say, it takes a village, and that village is comprised of talented, savvy, intelligent and fun midlife women. I've had the great privilege of spending time with many of them at various conferences, book events and dinners around the country.


But this past weekend? Well, this past weekend took the village to a whole new level. I had the good fortune to attend the first ever midlife blogging conference - BAM a/k/a Bloggers at Midlife - at the ginormous Gaylord Opryland Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee. To say it was an incredible event would be an understatement. The two and a half-days I spent in Nashville exceeded my expectations. Learning, speaking, working, laughing, EATING, drinking and being with friends. Yup, BAM was all that and more.


Flying out of the snow storm with Claudia Schmidt and Tracy Beckerman erased the stress and replaced it with laughter, chatting and some knitting.

It was a chance to see "old" friends and make new ones. No matter who you chatted with you felt like you were in a conversation with a dear friend that you've known for years. I guess it's because every day we share our lives with each other through our blogs, so we feel safe and warm.


Photo Credits: Tracy Beckerman, Cathy Sikorski, Cathy Chester

As I remain mindful each day of the blessings in my life I count these women among them, They've provided me with the gift of new friendships that I hadn't counted on at this stage of my life. When I am with them I breathe a sigh of relief because they "get it"; they understand the issues that face boomers. As we continue on our journey together we have each other's backs.


Photo Credit: Dorothy Salvatori

Finding them, my tribe, was a gift, a joy, and a blessing.

I want to extend many heartfelt thanks to Sharon and Anne for their skilled leadership and generosity of friendship. Thank you to Helene Bludman for being an incredible roommate and friend, and thanks to all the dear, sweet women at BAM - too many to mention - including those who didn't attend BAM. You have collectively supported, inspired, empowered and encouraged me to be my best self. 

To all of the panels and speakers I want to thank you for sharing your expertise and compassion with us. It was truly appreciated.

To all of the sponsors, thank you for recognizing the power women in midlife have, realizing that we matter, our voices are loud and strong, and that we have plenty of buying power, too!!!!

I look forward to seeing you at #BAMC2016! Hawaii? Provence? Las Vegas? Fiji? New York City? Wherever it will be I look forward to toasting another glass of wine with each and every one of you!

SIDE NOTE: I'm sorry I didn't get a photo with The Awesome Sisters, Kymberly and Alexandra Williams of so I "borrowed" this photo from them. They should be stand-up comedians - yes, they are that funny. If I lived closer to you, girls, you'd be my personal trainers because you are so good at what you do. You are amazing women and have inspired me to get more exercise. I've already checked out your youtube channel!


Photo Credit: Kymberly and Alexandra Williams for @nissanusa, one of BAM's sponsors


Cathy Chester


  1. It was a pleasure to be your roomie and I would do it again anywhere, anytime. I had such a fabulous time at BAM and I'm so glad we were able to share the experience together. You are a wonderful friend!

  2. As I read blogs like yours recounting BAM I really wish I could have been there. I know I missed something very special. My hope is that I will be able to attend the next event and meet all of you special people in person.

  3. Cathy, always so nice to see you. This is an amazing group of women and we are fortunate to be part of it. We feel the same way about how Sharon brought us together and are grateful to her for all the encouragement. Take care! MD and L

  4. Glad to have met you in person and appreciative to have had a bit of time in your positive presence. Like you, I had a great time meeting women whose posts I have read that meant a lot and YOU were one of those women. Now that I have been in your presence beyond virtually, you won't just be the friend in the photo. Nice recap!

  5. I agree with Pam! My only regret is that it ended so soon! I would have loved the chance to get to sit down and talk with you more! I had to leave a little early because I wasn't feeling well but next year I will be ready to go!

  6. Hi Cathy, I can kick myself for not going. A good friend of mine went and she also said it was a great event. It sounds like you have been on a journey of good things. I will be at the next one and look forward to meeting you.

  7. What a lovely and inspiring read to a newbie like me. I started blogging in October. Sharon has kindly published a couple of mine. I find many of my fellow uk bloggers are not midlife. The blogosphere here is full of bright young things:).
    I'm a wilderness of one! 🙂
    I hope to make BAM one year.

  8. I love seeing all the happy faces of the women I missed out on seeing. Great post that made me smile, Cathy. Perhaps I'll make it to the next one. Denver BAM2016?? Would make it a whole lot easier for me to be there! 😀

  9. Cathy--of all the women there and it was amazing meeting everyone--you were the rock star to me--it's the grace you carry yourself with and so much more.
    Actually if I were rich I would move to Santa Barbara to train with the Williams sisters!

  10. I love this post and your photos capture the camaraderie of the women of words. Writing and living with chronic illness can make one feel isolated and that is why, like you, I am so glad to be connected on the Midlife Blvd. I hope one day to meet you all in person, too!

  11. As I prepare to write my post about missing this incredible event I am so grateful to you and so many other incredible women who have shared the experience so lovingly. I feel, almost, like I was there. I guarantee I will be next year!
    Thank you so much for sharing the love!

  12. Oh, how it sounds like fun! I so wish I could have attended but I'll live vicariously through all the wonderful re-caps on Midlife Boulevard- starting with this one! A great time for great ladies. Go Midlife Boulevard!

  13. Cathy, I love this post and imagine if I'd been there I would have looked as happy in these photos as you do. Also, I would probably have obnoxiously monopolized your time! Ditto on Sharon and Anne's contribution to our writing lives. What a duo.

  14. I too have only one regret and that is at least another day or two:)
    You are fabulous and I am SO happy to have finally met you because you are so right it feels like we have all known each other for years.

  15. Hi Cathy! It sounds like every single one of you had a great experience. And as you say, letting sponsors know how important women of midlife are and why we should be supported as conveyors of trends is a huge step in a positive direction. I look forward to meeting you and some of the other amazing women who make up this "tribe" at a BAM of the future. And it was lovely seeing all your smiling faces in your photos! Thanks! ~Kathy

  16. I had no idea what a profoundly life-changing experience BAM would turn out to be. I do wish we had been able to sit and talk one-on-one for a bit, but we'll just have to plan that out for next year.
    Thank you for sharing your story and being open enough to show your vulnerability - that's not an easy thing to do. We are more than our disability, and BAM gave us the chance to prove that.


  17. You are SO right, girlfriends are THE BEST. I'm convinced it's the number one reason why we live longer than men .... the support and love of our girlfriends! So happy you enjoyed the conference and got to meet with new and old friends. Maybe next year will be our turn. xo

  18. You got to room with Helene Bludman! I am SO jealous -- of you both! I couldn't make it to the conference but this great blast of love and connection about the "tribe" made me feel a lot less left out.

  19. I love that picture of us! I came home and told my husband that my biggest regret about the weekend was that we didn't have time to sit down and chat. I didn't realize how new your blog was when I met you in 2013! You seemed like the wise one who had this all figured out. Let's figure out a way to connect before the next BAM. But I will be there!

  20. What an incredible, special, bonding time with other amazing women like you Cathy!! Thank goodness you were guided to Sharon and now bless us with your wisdom, insight
    and humor in your blog. Go girl!

  21. Oh, what to say? I just this evening returned from Nashville, where I stayed a few extra days. What a conference! I can't explain to anyone that this wasn't "networking" in the traditional sense. No one was looking to "get" anything out of was just the beauty of connecting and sharing our mid-life stories. So affirming... I was so excited to meet you, Cathy, and I just know we are sisters with the same name. And I made the pictorial! Love to all you great mid-lifers!

  22. It was a pleasure meeting you IRL, Cathy. You are just as warm and bright in person as you are online. Actually, no. Can't beat the hugs and being able to see your bright smile right in front of me. Thank you for being so approachable! And yes, it was a great conference, a wonderful group!

  23. Cathy, there were several women whom I felt I almost "knew" before getting to BAM, that I really hoped to spend time with, but actually failed to do so. You were in that group of women. My hope is that next time (and I love saying that!) that I can rectify missing out on getting a chance to spend some time with you. In the meantime, please accept this virtual hug!

  24. Cathy,

    After all the hastily rearranged flight schedules, I finally got in late that Friday night. I looked for you on Saturday, to no avail. All the better to meet at #BAMC16 or on your turf, without the ice and snow!


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