An Empowered Spirit Blog Post

My Travel Journal: The Southwest And The Miracle That Happened To Me

By Cathy Chester on October 5, 2013
Georgia O'Keefe

Georgia O'Keefe - Black Hollyhock, Blue Larkspur (1930)

Dear Self,

As a little girl I used to keep a journal of all my thoughts and dreams.  I haven't done that in  years, and it occurred to me that now would be the perfect time to start a new journal after something miraculous happened to me.

How good it felt to leave my worries behind, waving good-bye to anxiety and stress and welcoming calmness back into my soul.

New Mexico Highway

A miracle happened to me on this trip.  My non-disabled body was returned  for 4 glorious days while in Santa Fe. With no humidity, I was able to spend an entire day - AN ENTIRE DAY - fully awake and functioning without the need to nap. My legs and arms were never weak. I felt like I did 30 years ago.

It was phenomenal, and something I won't soon forget.

Chester Scottsdale

How sweet it was to start our journey by spending time with family in Scottsdale that I rarely see, and to renew relationships kept on hold while life continues to take us in different directions.

My journey continued to Santa Fe as I joyfully celebrated my silver wedding anniversary with Gary.  It was a blessing.  We spent quality time together in an area where art, architecture and landscape intersect to create a Mecca of beauty in a quaint, picturesque town.

Santa Fe Architecture and Art

It was thrilling to be here because this trip has always been on our l-o-n-g Bucket List.

I could breathe again and be myself.  Wearing scarves, boots and turquoise, I fit right in with the rhythm of the creative culture.

Being my authentic self

The adobe buildings were captivating, housing unique galleries, museums, restaurants, shops and homes that colorfully dot the landscape.

Walking along the unique Canyon Road was bedazzling.  As we took our time strolling along the area, we discovered that each adobe building housed new and creative artistic treasures of sculptures, jewelry and paintings.

Fun Sculpture

The nature in Santa Fe reinvigorated me. We drove our rental car out of the city and into the narrow two-lane highway of High Road that brought us into the majestic mountains that offered breathtaking views at every turn.

Santa Fe Landscape

Along the way we stopped at several charming galleries, and walked around El Santuario de Chimayó, a National Historic Landmark church that is famous for the 300,000 yearly visitors it receives in search of their holy healing dirt.

Church Chimayo

El Santuario de Chimayó Church built in 1816 is widely visited by those seeking wellness from its "holy dirt"

We fell in love with one gallery in particular because of the sweet nature of the artist/owners, their creative pieces of art, and the magnificent property they’ve owned for over thirty years.


I imagined myself sitting outside, listening to the wind chimes created by the owners, surrounded by the beauty of the mountains.

We could finally understand why Georgia O’Keefe moved from New York to Santa Fe after losing her husband, famed photographer Alfred Stieglitz.

To be alone with her art, and with the landscape she loved. Now it all made sense.

I loved the blending of Native American, Latino, White and Asian cultures who peacefully coexisted.

Mucho Gusto

Lamb, chicken and pork on soft corn tortillas were delicious!

Guacamole topped with Serrano ham on top of homemade hearth bread

Guacamole topped with Serrano ham on top of homemade hearth bread

I loved the vibrant colors of the textiles, jewelry, clothing and artwork.

Eating at Sage

Sage Bakehouse, where we ate 3 mornings over 4 days in Santa Fe

Every meal was another adventure in delicious cuisine, whether it was authentic New Mexican or French food, or a small bakery (Sage Bakehouse) where using only organic, farm fresh ingredients is important to them. Their policy of providing leftover food to charities that feed the poor endeared them to me.

Sage Bakehouse

There was so much to explore, and we made a concerted effort to live fully in every moment, savoring each experience together while toasting to the next twenty-five wonderful years together.

With love and thanks,
A Grateful Girl

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Cathy Chester


  1. Cathy, it looks absolutely wonderful! I'm so glad you were able to fully enjoy it. Might be time to move to the Southwest?

  2. Your trip sounds wonderful and was just what you needed. I can completely understand about the humidity. While I don't have MS, humidity brings on migraines and wreaks havoc with my sinuses so that I don't function well either. It's terrible but I love NYC so much I don't ever want to leave. I keep telling my son in San Fran to get a bigger place so I can spend summers with him. Not sure if he loves that idea. 🙂

  3. Cathy, it sounds so perfect! I dearly hope to visit Santa Fe someday. It has always been on our bucket list, too. I love your travelogue and your beautiful photos, but most of all I love that you felt so good out there. Maybe it's time to move?

  4. Cathy, I love everything about this post -- it made me feel like I was on the trip with you (which, by the way, I wish I was!). I'm so glad you felt good. It looks like a magical place, and I can't wait to go one day. Thanks for taking us along with you. xo

  5. I love everything about this post too from the pictures to the fact that you were a renewed woman! What a great travel journal to my favorite place too. I don't think this is the last time you will be going to Santa Fe!

  6. I've never been but my husband and I have talked of going. I think you've convinced me it's definitely worthwhile! That food sounds awesome. As does the scenery. Glad you were able to feel healthy while you were there!

  7. What a beautiful experience on so many levels Cathy, I love the addition of photograph too. I have family in NM and love it there, there is something so spiritual about that part of the world. It sounds to me as if your soul is very tied to the South West.

  8. Discovered this post via @MS_Bloggers and felt transported back to northern New Mexico -- a place where my MS symptoms also seem to magically disappear.

    I don't know what it is out there -- my neurologist says the dry heat is a boon for us -- but the southwest has always been good to me. My husband and I (who live in the humid midwest) seemed to have a lot of the same itinerary you did this June -- it was our 10th anniversary. We stayed just across the street from the Sage Bakehouse, so I know that place well! We also visited the Abiquiu area, northeast of Santa Fe, where Georgia O'Keeffe had her Ghost Ranch. The colors, like the chiles, seem to fuel the soul. Thanks for the memories -- and if you do go back, I can tell you where the nightlife is! 😉 - Sunshine

  9. So happy for your magical trip. Sounds like you need to spend some time there. They do have a wonderful opera season. Maybe a few months a year? Night life? What in the world do you do at night?

  10. Oh Cathy, I am so glad you had those 4 perfect days. I often say how I much I long for a vacation from my body and it looks like you found it. Years ago my husband and I spent time in Santa Fe and loved it and come to think of it, I felt healthier there too. Gorgeous photos!

  11. It is so great to hear that you got a relief, if only for a few days, to be able to celebrate a very important time in your life with your husband. Not many get to that point anymore and especially not if one of them develops an illness along the way. Being able to celebrate this milestone in your lives and to be able to do it feeling great is a sure sign that God is with you in your life. I hope that you got to enjoy the rest of your trip as well and created many more memories that you will both carry with you for the rest of your lives.
    Take care and God Bless.

  12. Sounds amazing, Cathy. I love the photos. How perfect that you could enjoy a full day without the fatigue. I hope you find more of those days.

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