An Empowered Spirit Blog Post

Why I Need to Write 50,000 Words in November

By Cathy Chester on October 29, 2015


I'm going to be off the grid for the month of November. Or I'm going to do my level best to be. I'll have to tune out Facebook, emails, Twitter and a social life as best as I can because I've committed to National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) for the month of November.

What is NaNoWriMo? It's when you commit to writing 50,000 words of a rough draft for, in my case, my first book. That's right. I want to write a book. Actually I've wanted to write a book ever since I was a young girl, but NaNoWriMo will provide me with an opportunity to finally get mine started.

And it's about time. I've been talking and talking AND TALKING about writing my book for quite awhile. I've had either cold feet, been too busy or I'm too afraid to fail.

I've spoken to countless friends about writing my book, many who are established authors and have been generous with their time by giving me sound advice.

One friend offered to be my writing buddy, coaching me and holding me accountable, any time I need her.

Another friend offered me an office in her house to use any time I needed to "get away" for a different place to write.

The best advice I received, the one that will finally get my rear in gear, was from my friend Patty Chang Anker, author of the bestselling book Some Nerve: Lessons Learned While Becoming Brave, the book Oprah called "downright inspiring."

Let me preface this by saying I spoke to Patty about writing my book over a year ago. She took her valuable time to chat with me, and what she said was so helpful, so inspiring and so beneficial. What did I do with her advice? I processed it for a bit. And then...


So when I recently reached out to her - again - she lovingly said what I needed to hear most. She gave me some tough love.

"You must be brave enough to at least be hammering away at it yourself. How long ago did we talk extensively about you starting work on this book? A year? I mean this in the most tough-love-because-I-believe-in-you way - and this is also important - don't ask professionals - agents, writers, people in the biz who you think know more - for reassurance that you should start writing/pitching/etc, more than once before you start doing it. I don't mind encouraging people - I love encouraging people! But then you have to take the next step. No one else has time to tell you over and over it's time to start. So START, my brave-hearted friend! Don't talk to me again until you do! I am saying that with a smile and a hug - but also completely seriously, It's time."

I promised her we'd talk again after my first draft was finished. And I thanked her (profusely) for her love, friendship, and tough love. It's exactly what I needed.

Boy, I'm crazy about that lady.

So here I go, dipping my toes in the water. I'm going to try my best. I promised myself that by the time I'm 60 I want to be able to say I'm a published author. And if only one person reads my book that's okay. Because I will be proud of myself for accomplishing one of my goals.

And that means everything to me.



Cathy Chester


  1. Take a deep breath and realize that when you do the thing that frightens you most you grow!! You share such lovely blog posts with heartfelt thoughts and insights that your book can only be fabulous!!

    Enjoy your writing journey, i look forward to reading it!!!

  2. Good luck! You can do it! Put everything else on hold for a month as much as possible, set up a regular writing schedule every day, and stick to it. I have no doubt you'll reach your goal.

  3. #1 I am so proud of you.
    #2 I am so excited for you.
    #3 I am so excited for US, for all the people who will get to one day read your work
    #4 When you change the world with your words I WILL TAKE CREDIT!!!! Bwahaha!!!
    #5 Go with courage, and we'll see you on the other side!

  4. Oh my gosh, Cathy, I could have written this myself (minus the part about Patty because I don't know her!!!) Thanks for the motivation I need to get it in gear!!! Good luck! Let me know how you are doing with your goal and I will do the same - kinda like when we supported each other bike riding last summer 🙂 <3

  5. I shall miss you this November, but I am so excited for you! I shall keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Wishing you days filled with all sorts of good things and inspiration!

  6. Yay for you!!! I did a similar challenge with a writing group years ago and-it wasn't easy-but managed to squeeze out 50000 words to produce the most ridiculous Lifetime Movie manuscript. And it felt amazing!
    Not that you need more advice but- do not reread at the beginning of each day. Read the last couple sentences, paragraph at the most, and start from there. When you reread you tend to edit and then time is gone! You can edit and fix it later!
    Best wishes!!
    This year I am hoping to devote the month to plotting a novel which is stalled at halfway.
    Looking forward to hearing you were a success!!

  7. I wish to echo a lot of what was covered above - don't edit (minor corrections okay). NaNoWriMo is about forward motion. Cranking those words out. You can worry later about whether they're good words or not. Just keep cranking until its done.

  8. Lots of luck! Be brave! Be patient! My mother always said," if at first you don'succeed try try and try again!"

  9. Go for it! It's hard but doable. I've won NaNoWriMo three times. My unsolicited advise: don't edit. Don't worry about the dialog. Don't worry about spelling. Don't look back. Just keep writing, day after day. Don't think of it as 50,000 words, think of it as about 1850 words each day. My personal all time record was over 4,000 words. Also recognize that you are going to get stuck. If you do, write your grocery list, write your resignation but KEEP WRITING. For me the challenge is taking one of those three manuscripts out of mothballs and doing the editing. I'm not doing it this year as I decided, I am not going to just pile up untouched manuscripts in my laptop. I have to take that next step and spread my wings, too.

  10. I'll miss you but be happy knowing you are making progress towards achieving a big goal. Remember that you will be more PRODUCTIVE and more CREATIVE if you get up from the computer at least every 60 minutes (every 20 is ideal) and take at least 100 steps. That simple. Just 100. Though 200 is better. Then sit down again. Then get up again!

  11. I'm so proud of you my friend. I know you can do this and most times, getting started is the hardest part. Take the leap....the universe is there to support you!

  12. I'm just not that brave yet - but I am doing NaBloPoMo. Good for you though! You're an amazing writer - and I know you have it in you!

  13. I'm doing it too. Dang. Said I wouldn't, but hey maybe if I add on even more stuff, the most important thing will get done. I'm using Scrivener this time. Good luck. Oh, and where is our cyber-support cafe going to be?

  14. Best wishes on this endeavor, Cathy, I know you will be very successful. I'm sure you will have plenty of words of wisdom for later blog posts!

  15. This is great! it seems many of us are all in the same boat. I have been meaning to get a book started since high school. It is very inspiring to know that you are is setting aside the time to pursue your dream. You have already shown that you have the guts, so you will definitely get the glory.

  16. Leap, and the net will appear! I have always loved this saying and I think of it when I start something new, and especially when I'm afraid of failing. So Cath....the time is NOW for you to take the LEAP! I believe in you and know in my heart that great things will come of it. XO

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