An Empowered Spirit Blog Post

Families Coping With Illness: How Our 2006 Video For A Local TV Program Is Still Relevant Today

By Cathy Chester on March 8, 2014

March is Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month, a perfect time to share a video made in 2006 to illustrate how my family was coping with my diagnosis.  I hope it will help to spread awareness about MS and disability.

In 2006 my family and I were interviewed at home for a local television program, CAUCUS: New Jersey with Steve Adubato for the segment, "Families Coping With Illness." They wanted to know the story of my MS diagnosis: how it happened, how it affected my family and how we were coping.

Multiple Sclerosis Stories

Bar Mitzvah 2006

It was three days after my son's Bar Mitzvah, and my husband and I were exhausted.  But we knew that our participation in the making of this video would be another way to educate the public not only about MS, but also how families learn to cope when one of its' members are living with a chronic illness.

March is Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month, so I thought this was a perfect time to share this video that tells my story.

Living with MS is a story of public and private struggle

Every person with MS has their own story of public and private struggles with the disease.  It is a story unique to them, yet one with a common similarity: the hope for a cure.

Here are some stories from The National Multiple Sclerosis Society's campaign "MS Connections."  They are stories of people supporting one another, while exploring the issues that shape their world.  You can add your own story to their campaign.

Living with Multiple Sclerosis Illness

Photo Credit: National MS Society

What stories can you share about coping with a loved ones illness?

NOTE: Video provided by Caucus New Jersey, Paula M. Levine (Producer)

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Cathy Chester


  1. Hi Cathy - great picture of you and your family! I tried to watch the video, but when I clicked on it, it said "private video" and I couldn't see anything? Maybe reupload it? I'd love to watch.

  2. Hi Cathy,
    Wonderful, enlightening post and video. Thanks for continuing to build awareness for people with health issues, and showing how one can continue to lead a full, happy and productive life--as you do.

  3. It's working for me. And look at you! You've not changed a bit! I am SO proud of you for making such a positive difference day in and day out for those dealing with the same disease as you and I. (Your family and your home are lovely!)

    Hugging you with my words. 😀

  4. What a fantastic video. I loved seeing you at home, and hearing Gary and Jordan. You inspire me and everyone around you every single day. I hope for a cure, along with you, and am so proud of you for sharing your story and for always being supportive, encouraging and positive. You are doing exactly what Gary talked about -- embracing life and enjoying every minute. Love you, my friend.

  5. Hi Cathy, it worked! It's so familiar to me because of my mother....she was always very, very tired and because she didn't tell us, we never quite understood why she was always so exhausted. She also had the daily shots, but not until she was in her 60's, after she finally told us about her diagnosis. Brings back so many have a wonderful family and you are very inspiring. I hope I get to meet you in person one of these days. xxoo. PS. I went to college with Steve Adubato!

  6. Thank you, Cathy, for sharing your story so openly,to help other families cope. My assistant coach, a young woman who I also taught and coached, was just diagnosed with MS. You continue to inspire me in my own health battles. Keep on keeping on!

  7. Cathy, this is a wonderful story and a testament to hiw love and support means the world. Loved "meeting" Gary and Jordan through this video. Lovely and inspirational.

  8. Kathy thank you so much for sharing your family with us. What a lovely interview, you are such an amazing person and I'm so glad you have an amazing family behind you! xo

  9. Cathy, thank you for sharing this wonderful,very informative video. How blessed you are to have such a beautiful, supportive family. I am in awe of you and your uplifting attitude. I wish you all the best my friend.

  10. Cathy - I finally got to watch. I am so moved by your strength and the wonderful support of your family. Beautiful video with such an important message.

  11. Cathy I'm seeing this for the first time. It's an outstanding report. Your family is incredible and you inspire me constantly. Lots of great takeaways from this. I'm grateful to call you my friend.

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