An Empowered Spirit Blog Post

Are You Drinking Clean Water? Enter This Contest For A Chance To Win A New Water Filter System

By Cathy Chester on September 18, 2013

Disclosure: Aquasana provided me with one countertop drinking water filter system.  The opinions and experiences expressed in this post are solely my own.

“The risk of disease associated with public drinking water has passed from the theoretical to the real.” ~Dr. David Ozonoff, Boston University, Leading Authority on Water Contamination

Pupils Dahery, 8 and Tiana, 8,and their friends  washing their faces in the new handwashing facility of the Catholic school in the village of Manaotaonkafa, Commune Andranomafana, Betafo District, Vakinankaratra region, Madagascar

Pupils Dahery, 8 and Tiana, 8,and their friends washing their faces in the new handwashing facility of the Catholic school in the Village of Manaotaonkafa, Commune Andranomafana, Betafo District, Vakinankaratra Region, Madagascar

Earlier this year I was invited to a small gathering to learn about WaterAid and the incredible work they do to bring clean water to underdeveloped countries. (Read my post about my WaterAid meeting here)

Can you imagine being unable to wash yourself with clean water?  Can you picture sanitation facilities without clean water, or no available clean water to quench your thirst?

Clean water is unavailable to 11% of the world’s population.  A lack of safe sanitation results in 700,000 children dying every year, and diarrheal diseases kill 2,000 children a day.

WaterAid’s extraordinary global efforts opened my eyes to how blessed we are to have clean water at our disposal.


Til Maya Pulami, 12 and Som Maya Pulami, 11, are so happy to see the water coming from the new tap. As soon as they came back from school they started playing with the tap again. Tosramkhola, Sindhuli, Nepal

After the meeting, I gained a new appreciation for the 64 ounces of clear, fresh water I drink every day.  (The worse-than-childbirth pain of passing several kidney stones a few years ago remains fresh in my mind.  Drinking 8 glasses of water a day may prevent forming more stones.)

There’s nothing more refreshing than a clean tasting glass of water.

“Filtering home, tap or well water can decrease exposure to numerous known or suspected carcinogens.” ~President’s Cancer Panel Report, 2010

Enter Aquasana.

After a furiously jam-packed few days in Chicago at BlogHer this summer, I looked forward to the last (but best) party sponsored by BOOMBOX Network.

I was tired.  I was excited.  I was hungry.

This is what I saw when the elevator doors opened for the party.


The display was by Aquasana, a company focused on healthy living, a clean environment and an impressive water filter system providing a maximum reduction in water contaminants.

I knew I had to stop to taste-test their water.  After one cup I was hooked.  It tasted crisp, clean and refreshing.

I also liked the philosophy of the company.  Aquasana’s CEO, Todd Bartee, is a trained environmental engineer with expertise in recycling, water and waste-water treatment.  His vision is to educate the world about the importance of clean water and its effect on health and wellness.

“While much tap water is indeed risky…we conclude there is no assurance that bottled water is any safer than tap water.” ~National Resources Defense Council

Aquasana countertop water filter system

Aquasana countertop water filter system

An Empowered Spirit is dedicated to empowering others during midlife, and also empowering anyone living with a disability.  Espousing the virtues of clean water is an important topic for discussion.  As we age we need to live an even healthier lifestyle.  That lifestyle must include healthy drinking water:

  • Bottled water is not held to the same safety standards as tap water.
  • Filtered tap water is a healthier choice than bottled or tap water.
  • Nearly half of all bottled water sold in the United States is tap water.


Aquasana offers a countertop water filter that can transform your tap water into the same healthy, clean water I tasted in Chicago.  Their system is durable, easy to install and clean, with a space saving design that includes audible and visual filter change indicators.

Installation takes only a few minutes, and it’s easy to do yourself.  Filters can be changed every six months and they are recyclable (hooray for the environment!)

The Aquasana countertop water filter system includes some important features to help us stay healthy.  They include:

  • Superior contaminant reduction including 99% of lead, herbicides, pesticides water-borne cysts, asbestos, volatile organic chemicals, and over 60 commonly occurring drinking water contaminants including chloramines.
  • Certified to remove over 97% chlorine.
  • Reduces odor and improves taste.
  • Preserves beneficial minerals in water such as calcium, magnesium and potassium.

Now I have some exciting news for you! You can be a lucky winner of your own Aquasana water filter system by entering the following contest.  The deadline is Thursday, October 8, 2013.     

To enter the contest, you simply need to do the following:

How much water do you drink a day?

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Cathy Chester


  1. I had the pleasure of tasting the Aquasana filtered water and it was amazing. I am not a water drinker, but this was so good and pure that I kept going back for more. I would love to win the filter system!

  2. I'm trying to drink 8 glasses of water a day. The Aquasana system would definitely help! Who would have known that bottled water isn't held to the same standards as tap water? Thanks for sharing this.

  3. I drink as much as I can but I never keep track. It is much easier in the summer than the winter. It is also easier if you have delicious filtered water to drink. We had a filtered system but it is old and not working well anymore so I would love to win this. I learned about bottled water about a year or two ago and stopped drinking it. My husband still keeps buying it. I think he just likes the convenience.

  4. It's amazing how easy it is to take water for granted, to leave it running when you aren't using it, to not appreciate how fortunate we are to have a supply of it. Thanks for this post, Cathy. I'd love to be able to experience this water filtration system!

  5. I enjoyed meeting the ladies from Aquasana at the B(L)oomers party at BlogHer13 and was very impressed with what they had to say. I was given a great little water bottle that has a compartment where you can put berries, lemon, or cukes to naturally flavor your water. Great article Cathy!

  6. […] Are You Drinking Clean Water? Enter This Contest For A Chance To Win A New Water Filter System […]

  7. Those statistics are staggering. Hard to even imagine not having access to water. Good luck with the giveaway! Such a great opportunity for you — for Aquasana, as they chose a super partner for this!

  8. […] Are You Drinking Clean Water? Enter This Contest For A Chance To Win A New Water Filter System ( […]

  9. Great article Cathy. As a civil and environmental engineer, I cringe when I'm unprepared and so thirsty I have to buy bottled water, far less regulated than tap. However, I understand tap water contains chemicals, and as I think about having children, I want to ensure I'm as healthy as possible and would LOVE an Aquasana system! Keep up the good work educating people!

  10. Clean, drinkable water will be THE issue of the century. We take it for granted here in the U.S., but I fear it will not always be so plentiful. What great work you are doing Cathy! I have not tasted the Aquasana, but what a wonderful endorsement.

  11. I have not had the pleasure of using this system. I've tried the Brita system and was not that pleased. And I really do not want to buy bottled water. So it's good to hear and read about Aquasana.

  12. Cathy - I was very pleased to read about Aquasana. I absolutely do not buy bottled water (negative impact on the environment) and I do use the Britta system but it is just not quite 'there'. Aquasana sounds like just what we all need. There is nothing more important than clean drinking water!

  13. You are so right about water. It seems I just can't get enough of it, and I drink a lot (this is the desert, after all). I start my day and end my day with water, and all through the day, too. To help drink more, I have added a cinnamon stick and thinly sliced apples to the water. At first I didn't like the taste, but if you let it sit overnight it acquires a great apple flavor that helps get the water down!

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