An Empowered Spirit Blog Post

How One Act of Kindness Changed My World and Can Change Yours Too

By Cathy Chester on January 10, 2024

Welcome back to An Empowered Spirit! Before I explain my absence over the past few months, I'd like to say...


I hope you had a wonderful holiday season. The holidays can be a mix of joy and stress, so I hope you find many moments of hope and happiness throughout 2024.

Now, to explain my absence...

In 2023, I faced several technical issues with my blog, which made it impossible to use. Recent updates to An Empowered Spirit were the cause, and I was clueless about how to fix it. I contacted several webmasters for help, but their fees exceeded my budget.

With each passing month, I felt lost and unsure about what to do. This blog means a lot to me; it's become part of my identity. I've put a lot of time and effort into it to establish myself as a trustworthy source of information for both MS patients as well as those who don't have MS. Comments from familiar and unfamiliar readers and kind words from those who've since passed away hold a special place in my heart. The thought of losing it all weighed heavily on me.

Out of the blue, a woman I met once at a conference in Dallas noticed a comment I had made on social media. She saw how upset I was about my blog's failure and immediately contacted me to offer assistance. Given her outstanding reputation, I felt confident I could rely on her and gratefully accepted her kind offer.

I must have had an angel on my shoulder that day because her kindness was unexpected and filled my heart.

Due to her full-time job, she couldn't continue working in the advocacy field. However, she decided to help a few select advocates, such as myself, who were experiencing issues she could fix. That's her way of paying it forward! This was an exceptional act of kindness from an extraordinary lady.

I'd like to publicly express my gratitude and thankfulness to the fantastic Megan Starshak for her generosity and hard work in getting my blog back up and running. You did an incredible job. Your good heart and dedication are truly appreciated. Crossing paths with you was a blessing.


We live in a chaotic world where acts of kindness seem to be getting fewer and fewer. Turning on the news, reading headlines, and scanning social media can make us anxious, scared, and vulnerable. According to the article "Media Overload is Hurting Our Health" by the American Psychological Association, an oversaturation of news either from media outlets or social media can cause, according to various studies, stress, anxiety, depression, or even PTSD symptoms. It can even, according to one doctor, decrease your resilience.

If you've experienced any of this, you're not alone.

What works to lessen my anxiety is setting specific limits. I usually watch the news in the morning while having breakfast, just enough to know the day's top headlines. In addition, I subscribe to a daily newspaper and read some featured sections, such as editorial/opinions, book reviews, arts, and other features, to balance out my news consumption.

But now I'd like to talk about the importance of kindness in the world. While I understand that acts of kindness can't solve all the world's problems, small or big acts can undoubtedly make a difference in people's lives. For instance, Megan's kindness towards me and my blog has significantly impacted me. It boosted my confidence and happiness, making me feel cared for and valued. That is no small achievement.

Think how one gesture can ignite a chain reaction of positivity that changes countless lives. The ripple effect is that an entire chain of positivity can eventually be felt worldwide. Can you imagine that?

Here's an example:

  • Megan updated my blog out of the goodness of her heart.
  • I spoke to an MS advocate who asked for advice and inspiration about growing her business within the MS community.
  • That person, let's say, offers free classes within her specialized business to a few lucky people.
  • These random people help one or more people in their areas of focus.
  • And so on and so on.

Do you see how that ripple effect can help countless lives? I know you do!

In 2024, we need more acts of kindness to bring about positive change in our world. Extending a helping hand to those in need in any way possible can make another person feel less discouraged and more hopeful. Let's spread positivity and make the world a brighter place for everyone. We need that desperately.

I wish you all the best in 2024—a virtual toast for more peace, love, and laughter.

NOTE: Health Central published an inspiring article about Megan Starshak's journey with ulcerative colitis at age 18 and how she found strength and courage along the way.

Oh, by the way, I wrote a very well-received post in 2023 about five words to help you feel healthy and balanced. I hope you'll take a look!




Cathy Chester


  1. Cathy, that is super AWESOME! We all are enriched and envigorated by reminders like yours. Whenever I hear a story about someone reaching out with just the right solution to make a difference, it always gives me a fresh shot of hope and gratitude. It is in these moments that I feel like all is right with the world. Thank you for this, my friend. I am over the moon for you--and for the rest us! Your blog is up and running, and we lucky people get to keep reading it. A win-win! Yay you, and yay us 🙂 Hugs, Kim

    1. Kim,

      How wonderful to hear from you! Many thanks for your kind words and for sharing your thoughts. I've long admired how you think ever since we met many moons ago. And yes about finding those moments that restore our feelings of feeling relief and hope in the world. We certainly need more of that.

      All best wishes and hugs back,

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The mission of this blog is to encourage those with MS, to educate the world on what MS is and isn’t, and to help those with MS live a joyful and empowered life.
This blog and the information contained here is not meant to be, and is not a substitute for, medical advice. If you are wondering if you have MS, or have questions related to the signs and symptoms of MS, please contact your physician.
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